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Sugar Cane Bales

    87 responses

Valerie starts with ...
I have been trying to source square sugar cane bales here on the Sunshine Coast. They used to be cheap around $3.50 delivered. So far I have only found 2 stockists and the best price is $13.50 plus delivery. As I want about 40 this is too dear. Does anyone on the Sunshine Coast know where I can source square bales at a much cheaper price.
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23rd December 2008 11:01am
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Mike says...
Tell 'em they're dreamin'
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23rd December 2008 5:28pm
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Bazza says...
The $13.50 price may be for those finely chopped cane mulch then packed tight in to Bales like you can buy from Bunnings etc.

All The Best Bazza
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Bundaberg Qld Aus
24th December 2008 12:23pm
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Mike says...
That may be the case Bazza. It is usually chopped much more finely than the baled stuff which is much coarser and which I have often bought for less than $5
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24th December 2008 6:55pm
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Valerie says...
I too can get the finely chopped bales wrapped in plastic from Bunnings quite cheaply however I want to use them as Jeremy did in the show. I want to use them as a surround over which I can put shade cloth while the seedlings are young and which will also feed the ground as they break down whilst still maintaining their shape. Haven't been able to manage that with the Bunnings mulch.
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21st January 2009 6:41pm
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SlickMick says...

Can you please send me the link for the show as I have not seen it and would like to be able to view it if I am to give you a decent reply to your post

SlickMick aka Mike
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21st January 2009 6:54pm
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Valerie says...
Hi Mike - I think this is the correct link.
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13th February 2009 3:21pm
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SlickMick says...
Just managed to have a look at that episode Valerie. It is indeed interesting how Jerry uses the bales and I think that what he is doing with the bales is great and certainly worth having a go at it. The issue could be the cost of so many bales. I agree the plastic bagged bales from Bunnings just would not work. I am surprised that you would not be able to get the tied bales around Mapleton or on the coast. I have been buying mine from Tingalpa Landscape Supplies in Brisbane.


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18th February 2009 8:27pm
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Valerie says...
Hi Mike, It seems that Brisbane is the place for square bales. Heaps of stockists down there however transport to this area is quite prohibitive. Seems since the Sugar Mill closed the only people still selling sugar cane mulch have those huge round bales or Bunnings. Such is life.
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20th March 2009 10:49am
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SeaDog says...
The rural supply shop just outside Maleny on Kenilworth road has square bales of cane mulch.

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8th May 2009 4:15pm
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Janine says...
Valerie, you can buy square cane mulch bales from a farm on Nambour-Bli Bli road (on the right hand side, before you get to Bli Bli - he has a sign up). There is also a place on the left of Nambour Bli-Bli Road, just before the Camp Flat Road turnoff, that sometimes sells the stuff. And there is another bloke on the corner of Thomas Road and Yandina-Bli Bli Road (a high set brick house) that sells the bales. Used to be $3.50 a bale but I think it's now up to about $4.50. We find it better value to buy direct from the farmer than from Bunnings or any of the landscape supply businesses. By the way, can anyone point me in the direction of someone who will supply a round bale of mulch (cane or grass) to Pomona/Cooran for a resonable price?
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Bli Bli
17th June 2009 4:39pm
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Kathy says...
Any one wanting Sugar Cane Mulch in small square Bales !!!!!
We Bale around 15,000 bales per year to supply households, nurseries etc.
We now have a driver that can deliver 800 bales per week to Sydney.
CHEAP !!!!!
Ph" 02 66495228 if interested in making a huge profit, selling Sugar Cane Mulch
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Grafton NSW
9th April 2010 1:14am
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Krissy says...
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QLD Brisbane
21st June 2010 6:30pm
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Jo says...
Hi Kathy ,Im interested in your sugarcane bales.How many bales on the truck,how much?What weeds might be in them?Would you deliver to Benalla?Thanks.
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Benalla victoria
15th July 2010 8:19am
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Hi Kathy,

I contacted you this morning regarding to the sugar cane mulch. I am interested of up to 30 bales (dependng to the size of the bale) for my garden.

With the rain we have had lately, it should be good to retain soil moisture before summer comes.

If there are enough people in Melbourne want this mulch then you could deliver to Victoria too.

BTW, my email is jujubeforsale@yahoo.com.au

Many thanks.
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15th July 2010 11:21am
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Rev says...
sugar cane mulch is great

its not rich in nutrients - so it should be cheap!
but if you want non woody biomass thats got a low weed load
then this is the stuff

dont dig it in
surface mulch only
great deep bedding for the chook run, theyll compost it down for you

Bunnings is a rip off
avoid them at all costs

I would get local round bales of rhodes in 2007, for $25
prob more now but ask around
cut out that middle man, its good for everyone, esp the rural economy

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North Qld
16th July 2010 8:47pm
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amanda says...
Hi all, apparently sugar cane contains good levels of Triacontanol - a plant growth stimulant which is found in high levels in lucern (alfalfa in USA).
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Geraldton. WA
16th July 2010 10:43pm
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John Mc says...
Hmmm, I wonder if there is enough active ingredient in it to make up a brew, similar to willow bark, and use it for striking cuttings? Only thinking out loud.
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John Mc
18th July 2010 4:21pm
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amanda says...
fresh lucern juice may be the go John Mc? Interesting thought there...
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Geraldton. WA
20th July 2010 9:49am
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Karen &amp; Paul says...
We covered areas of our heavy clay site in a foot of sugar cane (it's cheap from the farm in the Tweed) along with some manures and compost and we are BOOMING!!! Who said clay is HARD? haha
Garden on!
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Paul Karen1
Pottsville NSW
20th July 2010 8:23pm
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amanda says...
Get some worms in there Karen/Paul! amazing creatures.
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20th July 2010 11:27pm
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Peter says...
Hi All. Manage a vineyard in Victoria. Can anyone point me in the direction of good "bulk" cheap cane mulch to use in my vineyard. Thanks
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24th July 2010 9:44am
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epiphany says...
If Jujube & others in VIC are looking at getting a bulk lot of mulch for later distribution, I'd be keen...I need quite a bit to mulch up my back yard...
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25th July 2010 1:12am
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Rev says...
Its cost a lot to transport it to Victoria!

too bad they arent growing switchgrass or Miscanthus down there on waterlogged / bottom land soils, or irrigated with effluent or excess groundwater

i saw some trials up in nth qld using Rhodes grass to strip nutrients from effluent and it was very effective
-a lot better use of it than killing coral reef and seagrasses!

i suppose its only a matter of time before they biofuel thing picks up
just as good if they used if for mulch in horticulture though
particularly the hybrid and sterile miscanthus as it wont bring a weedload


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27th July 2010 5:43pm
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Helen says...
I'm also looking for a bulk source of sugar cane mulch in brisbane.
Has anyone had any luck finding any recently?
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1st September 2010 12:33pm
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Wayne says...
Hi, I'm also looking for a large supply of Sugar Cane Square Bails, approx 50. If anyone knows who would supply these into Brisbane it would be appreciated. Thanks
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6th September 2010 10:43am
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Helen says...
Wayne, have you had any luck?
What side of Brissy are you on?
If we can get them for $5 I would get 30.
Anyone else in Brissy keen?
Anyone know of someone who would deliver?
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10th November 2010 5:12pm
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Wayne says...
No Helen haven't had any luck with buying them yet. I'm on the northside of Brissy. The local suppliers are too expensive over here so still keen to buy a bulk supply. If we can get them for $5 each I would be keen to still order 50 or 60 bales.
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16th November 2010 10:52am
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Krissy says...
Hey Guys
Have you found anyone who delivers mulch?
Go on to www.organicsugarcaneproducts.com.au, I know they deliver mulch. Not quite sure on the prices though.
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16th November 2010 3:12pm
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Amanda10 says...
Hi Guys, I'm in Karalee and have normal hay size bales of sugar cane mulch for $6 but I only do local deliveries. If you can organise a trailer or ute you can collect. Amanda
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17th November 2010 3:10pm
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Wolfgang says...
Hi Amanda,

Keen to get 6 or so bales delivered to Pullenvale?


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19th December 2010 7:01pm
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Tony says...
Hi, I am looking for a large quantity of sugar cane bales (100 to 200 bales probably).
Like everyone else here, I find the normal suppliers way too expensive ($9 to $13 a bale)
I would need them delivered as well, obviously.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a cheap supplier near North Brisbane?
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Samford Village QLD
20th December 2010 10:45am
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John says...
Do you have any bales left I am after 2 for my vegie garden.
Many thanks
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30th December 2010 10:16pm
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Dianah says...
Has anyone found suppler sugar cane mulch yet
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Sunshine coast
8th January 2011 8:10am
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sserendipityy says...
Do you have any farmers markets in or around Brisbane?
At Lismore farmers' markets sugar cane bales are $5 . . . a reasonable price I think. At Bunnings down the road they are $13-16.
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south lismore
8th January 2011 2:39pm
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Kevi says...
I irrigate,fertilise,cut,tedd,rake, bale and shed quality grass hay up here and struggle to get $7 a bale. Cane farmers up here simply follow the harvester with a baler and can get $4 on farm for a waste product they used to burn. Have to be making a killing. half their luck I guess
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3rd February 2011 8:47am
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MV says...
I've just spent a good deal of time spreading 9 bales of sugar cane mulch three inches thick over newspapers 6 sheets deep at a property on the Central Coast. This is an on going job and so far I've been spending around $17 a bale, so if anyone can please advise of a cheaper supplier either on the Central Coast or on the lower North Shore, where I work, I'd appreciate it. That amount only covered less than a third of the area I need covered and I want to top up to keep the weeds at bay and encourage the production of soil as we have no top soil to speak of and are working on very heavy clay base.

By the way, I've been buying from Bunnings and prefered the coarser sugar cane mulch Aussie Gold but they don't have that anymore and the finer stuff is a little too fly away for my liking.
Any suggestions?
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Central Coast
10th February 2011 12:26pm
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John Mc says...
As long as you're not laying it around Aug/Sept when we get those roaring westerlies you shouldn't have a problem. Keep the fine stuff damp, it breaks down quite rapidly.
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10th February 2011 12:33pm
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MV says...
Thanks John for your advice, however, due to water restrictions on the Central Coast, unfortunately watering is not an option, which is why I'd prefer the coarser stuff.

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Central Coast
10th February 2011 3:51pm
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John Mc says...
I'm on the Central Coast as well, up north a bit. We have no town water here (Warnervale)so luckily??? no restrictions whatsoever. The downside is I've just had my dam cleaned out so not much water to go around atm.
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10th February 2011 9:18pm
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Jaime says...
Hello, did anyone have any luck finding a provider of the large round bales of sugar cane mulch? We are in Gympie. We need about 12 large round bales so I would imagine we would need over 1000 of the small square bales, the extra cost is huge and I also could not stand so much packaging as in the wrapped ones available at Bunnings. Can anyone please tell me where I can get some of the large round bales from in Gympie, preferably delivered? Thanks in advance.
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27th March 2011 9:25pm
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MV says...
I had my small bales delivered by the following people who were very, very helpful. Don't think they do large bales, but no harm in asking.

I wanted the Aussie Gold because it was coarse, rather than fine cut.

Cost was around $14.00 per bale (no delivery charge) which was about $3 cheaper than Bunnings could offer for the fine cut stuff.


1300 1 MULCH (1300 1 68524)
(8am - 5pm MON-FRI)

Fax: 07 4612 3360


PO Box 116
Clifton QLD 4361

ABN: 62 083 532 978
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Central Coast
7th April 2011 11:11am
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Outside the Box Landscaping and Gardening Solutions says...
Anyone in Victoria After Sugarcane mulch Council's, landscapers, domestic or nurseries contact, Outside the Box Landscaping and Gardening Solutions with expressions of interest as we will source the product if there is a great enough demand collectively to make it Financially Viable...

Ph: 0401469540
Em@il: modernsoldier360@gmail.com
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Outside the Box Landscaping and Gardening Solutions
19th April 2011 3:48pm
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Samm says...
These guys deliver the sugar cane mulch bales http://www.rpmulching.com.au/sugar-cane-mulch.html
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9th May 2011 9:27am
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Fred says...
Hi all.
I am looking to purchase a large quantity of sugar cane not as mulch but in the cane form.
Can anyone put me in the right direction.
Many thanks.
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24th June 2011 9:48pm
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Brendan says...
Hi Fred,
The movement of actual sugar cane here is very strictly controlled.
You might be able to import some from Cuba, Thailand or USA?
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Mackay, Q
25th June 2011 7:29am
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Mike says...
It is expensive,hard to get and often sourced from SEQ in this district and even bagasse is very expensive.Rhodes grass is my preference in bales here and plants seem to respond well but mould can form easily on cane mulch and some grass mulches.Mulched pruned trees from council and private loppers goes for $90- for a 6m3 load here and that is very popular.
It would be a great sideline for enterprising growers with Yasi damaged cane, getting into the mulch business.
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25th June 2011 8:48am
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Amanda9 says...
Wolfgang sorry I haven't been in touch went under in flood and just haven;t had time. I have mulch again. Give me a call if you are still looking.

$6 per bale
I do gardening for a person in Moggill so I can deliver when I'm over that way

ph 0408 280 373
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17th July 2011 9:55am
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Brad says...
I have been bringing round bales of sugar cane mulch back from up north when our truck has no loading south.
Always have round bales in stock.
Can get smaller square bales just not as cost effective.
Give me a call if I can be of assistance
Brad 0447 880 812
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Brisbane Northside
18th August 2011 9:22pm
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amanda says...
Damn - for a moment I thought u were the Perth Brad and got really excited. So - they grow sugar cane up north in WA - so why does the mulch come from Qld..?? (in Bunnies)
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Geraldton. Mide West WA.
19th August 2011 12:11am
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Wazzbat says...
I wondered that myself. Then a few weeks back on 6PR, the guy from Bunnings said it was from up north? Think he got it wrong though. I'm sure the Bunnings stuff comes from Qld?
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Vic Park WA
19th August 2011 7:17am
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Brad says...
i tried a bit of sugar cane from bunnings a year or 2 ago. definitely was QLD at that time. and no... I don't deliver mulch :)
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G Hill,Perth
19th August 2011 8:17pm
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Fred says...
Thank to all that replied.
But no joy. Can anyone else tell me where I can purchase sugarcane in the UK but still as cane and not mulch.
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25th August 2011 5:25pm
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Dee says...
Can someone let me know if you can buy bales of sugar cane in Perth metro area???
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28th August 2011 11:40pm
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Jimmy says...
Bunnings is it for Perth
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29th August 2011 12:53pm
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shelli says...
You can buy sugar cane mulch at City Farmers,i bought mine from the Balcatta store a couple of weeks ago.It is vacuumed packed very tightly and 1 pack goes a long way.
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1st September 2011 12:19am
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Dee says...
Thank you Jimmy and shelli
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4th September 2011 2:49pm
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Lulu says...
$4.00 a bale off the farm at Main St Hervey Bay. They have a massive shed of the stuff, and they deliver for a fee. Not sure of the fee as we have a ute to collect it as we need it, as it is just up the road from us.
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5th September 2011 8:16am
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Nicke says...
Hi lulu, just moved to hervey bay. Could you tell me where on Main street he is located?
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Hervey bay
10th September 2011 12:33pm
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Lulu says...
If you head up Main St away from the water, go past the Kawungan Shops on the corner of Doolong Rd, go up and over the big hill, and go 1km or so you will see them on the right. High set house and large shed behind. I think you can only buy on Friday and Saturday.
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30th September 2011 3:33pm
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Heather says...
Hi, I am looking for a large amount of cheap mulch to establish new native gardens & remulch existing garden beds. Does anyone know where to get the best value, delivered to the southern GC?
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Gold Coast, QLD
21st October 2011 11:08am
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gary says...
hi looking for cheapest bales of anything to soak in cement and build a wall bundeburg qld
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4th November 2011 9:07am
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Leigh says...
Does anybody know where I can locate about 20 small bales near M'dore, Buderim or Bli-Bli area?
FYI A few years back I had a guy deliver to me one of the larger round bales for $25. He was near Mt Coolum. Where the smiley face bales are, either side of the motorway between Pacific Paradise & Coolum. Not sure if he still has them?

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Sunshine Coast
11th November 2011 11:34am
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mandy says...
HI, I purchased some sugar cane bales from the farmer at Yatala, they deliver to a few places, try them 075546 2470
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jacobs well
14th November 2011 12:43pm
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vicki says...
Hi Pete

where can I get these from, can I have a phone number please - I need lots....


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25th November 2011 1:20pm
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richardc says...
Hi all i have Small Square Green Grass Garden Mulch Bales For sale $4.50 Each
delivery can be arranged (go in to Brisbane weekly)
Richard on 0266 888 014
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near lismore nsw
31st December 2011 2:28pm
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Dot says...
can any one tell me if sugarcane mulch is acid or alkaline. Need to know for my Blueberries,want to use as mulch.Thanks Dot
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Brisbane area
5th January 2012 1:43pm
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Shaun says...
Guys ormeau landscapes has them all the time for $5 a bale
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6th January 2012 4:06pm
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Someone says...
You could also try another farmer near yatala 0419642250
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9th January 2012 5:17pm
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Pete says...
Hi Vicki,
My number is 0414554056.
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18th January 2012 10:34pm
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neale says...
i can supply those bales how much is where you are relative to point x remember fuel is not cheap i
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9th February 2012 10:37pm
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Meg says...
I am chasing large square sugar cane mulch bales the size of a bale of lucerne hay. The price for these is too exxy. Can anyone tell me where I can get mulch bales at a reasonable price, such as $5 per bale? I am happy to collect with my trailer.
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8th March 2012 7:24pm
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Fiona says...
Hi, I'm after some small square hay bales. Not for mulch, but for a country/western themed party - to be used as seats. Any ideas?
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16th March 2012 10:59pm
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Fiona says...
Hi Pete, I was thinking about 20 or whatever I could fit into a box trailer. I'm at Burpengary.
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25th March 2012 7:05am
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peter says...
HI Dee,

You can now get sugar cane mulch in Masters Stores around WA as well.

found a great you tube clip on how to use the mulch

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16th April 2012 11:29am
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nat says...
I was looking for the same guy, I think - lost his number. He used to deliver the huge round bales on a trailer ... he was somewhere between buderim & coolum. Anyone have his number, or somewhere I can get large round bales from on the sunshine coast, not too expensive please? Ta.
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mt mellum
24th April 2012 1:48pm
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pollyw says...
Hi. Does anybody know of bulk sugarcane bales direct from farmer near Redland Bay area
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karragarra island
3rd August 2013 10:08am
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wazzamcg says...
Andrew Currant of Norwell (near Jacob's Well), he will deliver them to you. Andrew is a nice bloke and I've used him for years.

Call Andrew on 0414 458 175

Or here is their web page.

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4th August 2013 7:57am
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Mike says...
I wish you could get cane bales cheap in Cairns but they are rare and expensive.I think all the sugar farmers are millionaires up this way and don't need secondary sources of income.Big W has the cheapest bales here at $12 but they are small and come from brisbane.
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6th August 2013 12:49pm
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John Mc says...
Mike, can you get Lucerne hay bales up that way? I get a 240lit wheelie bin full of beautiful fine Lucerne mulch after putting a bale through my 5hp Rover mulcher.
I buy the best racehorse quality bales, so I know it is ALL fresh top quality Lucerne.
Anything less, or cheaper, may not be all Lucerne, especially the garden quality bales, can be 90% weeds and only a couple of $$ cheaper.

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6th August 2013 8:12pm
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Mike says...
Lucerne is rarely available and it is expensive.Rhodes grass is more often available but you really have to travel to surrounding rural areas to get it.
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7th August 2013 9:36am
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John Mc says...
Yes, Lucerne isn't real cheap here either at the moment, $19.50/bale.
I hand mow my hectare lot just to catch the grass clippings which supplements the Lucerne in a way. I'm big on mulching.
Had a mowing guy regularly drop off his clippings but hasn't showed for a while, should put a wanted add on Gumtree.
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7th August 2013 8:01pm
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brian2b says...
Hi can anyone supply large amount of cane mulch in Bowen Qld. thanks
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7th November 2013 7:57am
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MJJ says...
Hook up your traler and take a trip to Surfers for the day. Stop off along the way at Norwell, 20 Mins before Surfers on the M1 and 10 mins off the highway towards Jacob Wells... $4 per bale picked up. Is on Gumtree..


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mount Tamborine
19th March 2015 9:35pm
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tgon ted says...
hey there
im after about 50 large bales of sugar can mulch does any one in Victoria sell this bulk with out going to a chain store 0401047222
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tgon ted
15th May 2015 12:20am
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Joanne Bruce says...
Hi does anyone know the cheapest place to get sugar cane mulch & lucern bales in Gladstone QLD?
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Joanne Bruce
18th July 2015 9:19pm
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hay seeker says...
Hi Lulu
Would you by any chance have the ph number for the place on main st you could give me please?
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hay seeker
south lismore
11th December 2015 2:20pm
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Crikey says...
If you look on Gumtree there is a chap from Nambour offering Square bales for $6 delivered. I imagine they are the rough cut ones
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13th September 2016 6:28pm
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