Finger Lime

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

This is a seedling selection from our grafted varieties. They have a thin skin that ranges in colour from green, yellow, red, purple to even a black. The inner cells are cylindrical balls filled with lime juice. Very hardy. The bushy thorny foliage is a perfect protective habitat for small birds to nest in addition to their fruits.
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Native Tamarind

$4.95 ($4.95-$18.75 choose a size)

This slender tree is crowned with large velvety leaves when young. The fruit of Native Tamarind is yellow-brown and hairy. The flesh is a yellow-orange colour, is sour but pleasant, and has been used in making jams. Bird attracting.
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Fig - Deciduous

$4.95 ($4.95-$14.90 choose a size)

Deciduous strangling fig. Food source for the rare and endangered Coxens Fig-parrot and Wompoo fruit dove. This is one of the best fig for bonsai as it forms wonderful aerial roots, it also grows into a spectacular buttressed trees.

Davidson Plum NSW

$19.90 ($4.90-$24.75 choose a size)

An outstanding small tree that prefers warm conditions and some shade. The sour purple fruits have bright red flesh that makes excellent jam. Davidsonia jerseyana is the southern form, it fruits in the summer months and is generally a smaller plant than the northern Davidsonia pruriens. The fruit form on the trunk of the tree and it is striking in full fruit.
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Blue Quandong

$3.90 ($3.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Fast growing rainforest tree. The species is well regarded for its timber and as a key in regenerating rainforest. The fruit of this species is round and blue, between 20 and 30 mm across, and has a seed with deep convolutions in its shell. These are eaten whole by cassowaries, woompoo pigeon and spectacled flying foxes, which pass the nut undamaged. A large tree up to 50 metres tall, usually with elaborate buttressed roots. Flowers, fruit, foliage and shape make this an ideal tree for large gardens or parks.
Special Offer: Buy 4+ @$3.90ea usually:$4.90ea
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