Cherimoya - White


Cherimoya is a very heavy cropper of large fruit with juicy flesh that can be a little gritty just below the skin. The unique flavours suggests a hint of mango-papaya. A pleasure to eat due to its low seed count. A commercial favourite in California. Because of it's flavour many people have nicknamed it the "Queen of Fruits" because it's flavour is so much better than other custard apples.The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back

White Sapote - Pike


Pike is often seen in commercial plantings. The large fruits remain green when ripe and have a bitter skin, however the flavour is superior to most other introduced varieties.

Plum - Gulf Blaze


A Japanese-style plum with excellent orange flesh, burgundy skin and very sweet flavour. A low chill selection that is well suited to subtropical climates. Pollinate with a Dwarf Gulf Gold or a Gulf Ruby for a bumper crop. Prolific white spring bloom.

Cherry - Pretty Gully


Self pollinating cherry that crops without the many chill hours required by most cherry varieties. Worth trying if you are in marginal subtropical area.
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