Plum 2 Way - Flavour Supreme/Mariposa Better2Gether


Better2Gether (TM). Pluot x Plum. Mariposa - Mid-season. A popular blood plum with large, heart shaped fruit. Excellent sweet flavour and very dark red, juicy flesh. Sweeter, larger and softer than 'Satsuma'. Used for fresh fruit, juice, jam and stewing. Suitable for small to medium gardens. Flavor Supreme - Mid-season. Pluot Flavour Supreme interspecific plum (meaning plum/apricot hybrid) is one of a new generation of traditionally bred plums with a bright, very sweet flavour. Flesh is pinkish-red and as fruit matures deepens to a darker red.

Dwarf Loquat Nagasakiwase


Grafted onto quince C creating a small and compact tree. Nagasakiwase has a superior flavour with deep orange, sweet juicy fruit. Dwarf loquats are perfect for pots, patios and small backyards. Early to ripen and produces a huge crop. Thinning the fruit will increase fruit size.

Dwarf Orange - Cara Cara


This variety was discovered in Venezuela in 1976. It is smaller than many other navel selections but has pink flesh similar to Star Ruby grapefruit. In South Africa it matures slightly earlier than Washington navel. Although Cara Cara has yet to be evaluated fully under Australian conditions there is considerable interest in it locally. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Feijoa - Unique

$39.00 ($39.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This is a self fertile cultivar from New Zealand. It is a small, productive, vigorous tree growing to about 2.5m making it ideal for smaller back yards. Fruit has a good, mildly aromatic flavour. It is medium sized with flesh that is smooth, soft and juicy. Fruits ripen early in the season. Performs well in cooler areas. The fruit handles well and is a good keeper.

Feijoa - Duffy

$39.00 ($34.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Australian selection from Victoria, excellent size up to 200gm. Very pleasant non-gritty flavour. Has proven to be a good commercial variety. Feijoas are highly ornamental with beautiful red, edible flowers followed by delicious autumn fruit.
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