Fruit Trees


Fire Retardant Trees

Trees and Plants > Fire Retardant Trees

Plants can help with fire proofing your property and are an integral part of a fire plan. Some plants are more flammable than others but keep in mind that given the right conditions all plants will burn.

Fire retardant plants can absorb more of the heat of an approaching firestorm without burning than flammable plants do. Fire retardant plants can trap embers and sparks and reduce the wind speed if correctly positioned.

Fire retardant ground covers can help to slow and lower the height of the fire.

Mulberry - White Shahtoot

$49.00 ($24.00-$129.00 choose a size)

Large, sweet fruit can reach up to 10cm in length. Delicious eaten fresh but can also be sundried and eaten as a sweet. Medium sized, spreading tree with a weeping habit, excellent shade tree. Birds love them too so make sure you cover them if you don't want to share. You can also get multiple crops by pruning immediately after your first crop.

Dwarf Mulberry - Red Shahtoot

$99.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

Much more compact in growth habit than the King White Shahtoot. These delicious sweet fruits can reach 10cm in length. Ideal for back yards and we consider it a must have fruit tree for the back yard. The best way to eat mulberries is fresh from the tree. If some should make it to the kitchen bench they make excellent pies, jams, wines and sauces. Multiple crops are possible by pruning directly after your first crop. Suitable for most regions of Australia, although it can be susceptible to damage from late frosts. The red shahtoot is ideal for growing in pots and containers due to it small growing habit and it is ideal for school gardens as it does not produce fruits that stain and the sweet fruits are very appealing to children. This variety is best suited to warm subtropical climates and does not perform well in temperate climate where it tends to drop their fruit.

Dwarf Mulberry - Black

$34.00 ($23.90-$99.00 choose a size)

This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.
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Dwarf Mulberry - Majestic


Very low chill tree for the subtropics. The fruits of this mulberry are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. Prune your tree after fruiting to keep under 3mtrs, and to encourage multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. Fruit ripens over time, giving an extended harvest of delicious fruit. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. Remember it makes a wonderful temporary dye for children faces and hands! (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video ) Preferable to plant in the subtropics as in temperate regions, flowering is too early and yields are subsequently affected.
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Sheoak - River

$2.75 ($2.75-$4.90 choose a size)

Riparian species, tall, elegant and a good choice for windbreaks and compacted soils with the added advantage of being nitrogen fixing. It is a conical evergreen tree with pendulous needle-like foliage.
Buy 16+ @$2.75ea usually:$4.90ea

Photinia Red Robin

$9.75 ($9.75-$18.75 choose a size)

Fast growing evergreen shrub, with a dense habit, that responds well to pruning. New foliage growth is brilliant red in colour, changing to bronze-green as the season progresses and maturing to be dark green. Showy white flowers appear in clusters to be followed by small berries. Ideal as a long lasting hedge, a focal point shrub/small tree, topiarised, or in pots on balconies and courtyards in courtyards.
Buy 1+ @$9.75ea usually:$14.75ea

Tamarillo - Red

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

Also known as the Tree Tomato is a very quick growing small tree that bears heavy crops of red sub-acid succulent fruit. Prefers a sheltered spot with well drained soil.
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$14.90 ($12.75-$18.75 choose a size)

Lemongrass is one of the most versatile of herbs. It makes a delicious herbal tea, is often used in cooking, as an effective pest repellent and an almost impenetrable weed barrier. Tie the outer leaves in a loop and cook with food to impart flavour. Be sure to remove before serving. Incredibly fast to become established and drought tolerant. The fleshy, purple part of the stem is used in curry pastes and can be ground into a paste and added to marinades and sauces to impart a fresh, lemony flavour.
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Cape Chestnut Grafted Pink


An evergreen, small to medium tree with a spreading crown. In early summer this attractive tree bears masses of showy, light pink flowers above the large, glossy, oval leaves. Flowers within 2 years.

Bay Tree

$16.75 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)

This handsome pyramid shaped tree makes a superb tub specimen, hedging plant or topiary sculpture due to its positive response to pruning. The leaves of the bay are used as a popular culinary seasoning used in all types of cooking.
Buy 1+ @$16.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Fig - Moreton Bay

$18.75 ($4.95-$21.90 choose a size)

This Fig can take two forms, as a magnificent, tall, spreading tree or as a strangling vine depending on where the seed lands. When the roots finally reach the ground they will start to encircle their host tree until they eventually strangle it and takes it place in the forest. The orange coloured fig turns a dark purple-red when ripe. The edible figs often appear in summer but can produce at anytime of the year and have a pleasantly fresh tart taste with numerous firm seeds. Long lived tree to 15m diameter in the open or 40m tall in a forest. Can also be grown as a Bonsai specimen.
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Cape Chestnut

$34.95 ($19.75-$39.00 choose a size)

A beautiful and delicate tree when in full bloom. The colour of flowers vary from white to rosy pink and flowering occurs shortly after the growth of new foliage has stopped after a brief deciduous period.


$14.75 ($14.75-$49.00 choose a size)

A giant shade tree with magnificent maple-like leaves that turn brilliant shades of red, yellow and gold during autumn. Plant at least 10- 20 metres from buildings and powerlines. Reaches 15 -20 metres on maturity. Deciduous.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$23.90ea

Mulberry - Black English

$69.00 ($49.00-$69.00 choose a size)

Large quantities of good sized, sweet, black mulberries are produce in late spring. The tree is a large spreading deciduous shade tree with an attractive form. Well suited to colder climates.

Tamarillo - Kyogle

$39.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)

This selection of Tamarillo we propagate by Grafting and Cuttings. Bears heavy crops of Red/Orange fruits within 1 year of planting. It enjoys conditions with free draining moist soil in warm areas. Tamarillos can grow tall however pruning can keep them under 2m and help develop more branching lower down the trunk. The flowers have quite a sweet perfume scent to them and walking out in the garden your nose will surely be led towards them. In good conditions they crop easily and heavily and the fruits can be eaten fresh or used in cooking. There are some popular sauces and chutneys to be made from Tamarillo's. Give them a go in your backyard and enjoy for years to come.

Tea Plant - Pink


Pink flowering form of Camelia sinensis that you can use to make your own brew of tea. New growth is a rich burgundy colour. Mix and match the Pink flowering form with the traditional white flowering Tea Plant. A compact shrub to 1m, perfect for hedging and specimen or container plants, growing best in pH 5.5 - 6.6 so an acidic mix is perfect. Grow them alongside blueberries! Partial shade and moist soil. Tea Plant - Pink will blossom during Autumn.


$23.90 ($18.75-$59.00 choose a size)

Large striking tree with vibrant red flowers in Summer. Regarded as on of the best shade trees in the subtropics. Broad spreading quick growing tree. Protect from frost when young.

Chestnut - seedling

$39.00 ($19.75-$39.00 choose a size)

This European chestnut produces large sweet nuts, the kind found sold in fruit markets. Seedlings are relatively quick to bear and are generally more hardy and quick growing than Grafted trees.

Mulberry - Hicks Fancy

$49.00 ($34.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Long red-black berries, maturing from Late November on. When fully ripe the fruit is very sweet and juicy with an unusual, slightly acid taste. This is a smaller tree with very good crops. Annual pruning is required as fruit is produced on new seasons growth.

Tamarillo - Orange


Fast growing small tree that bears heavy crops of sub-acid succulent fruit. This orange selection is usually milder and sweeter than the red tamarillo. Prefers well drained soil in a sheltered position. Also known as Tree Tomato.


$17.90 ($17.90-$29.00 choose a size)

This elegant tree is often referred to as fake chocolate due to its similarities to cocoa in taste and texture. A Mediterranean tree, favouring arid conditions. Seedlings can be Male, Female, or bisexual. Prefers well drained soil.

Dragons Blood Tree


Unique and sculptural, this tree grows a large umbrella shaped crown. Its leaves only grow on the end of its newest branches, shedding all old leaves as it grows. Named for the dark red resin it exudes when cut.This has been tapped for medicinal and cosmetic uses over the years. Endemic to only one island off the Yemeni coast, Socotra, it is now considered vulnerable due to over grazing and over harvest.

Chinese elm


Evergreen tree growing to about 10 metres depending on growing conditions. Small smooth glossy leaves. Non suckering, arching almost weeping habit of growth. A splendid tree for many uses under all climatic conditions.

Mulberry - Gayes Pink


A sweet pink mulberry that crops well in the subtropics. Weeping habit, can be kept as a small tree with regular pruning, after spring crop then hard prune in winter

Native Mulberry

$4.95 ($4.95-$17.90 choose a size)

This is an excellent tree for rainforest restoration as it attracts many birds and insects. It has small, whiteedible fruits that are sweet and hold their seeds on the outside like strawberries. Trees are dioecious, having male and female flowers on separate trees.

Bull Bay Magnolia


The white magnolia blooms with huge open flowers in early summer. Cream-white and fragrant they reach up to 30cm wide. While the tree takes up to 7 years to flower its evergreen foliage is an attraction in itself.

White Cedar

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Hardy deciduous native tree, suitable as a quick growing shade tree. The fragrant lilac flowers and yellow fruits of the White Cedar make it an appealing ornamental tree. It is poisonous to humans and dogs, but birds and possums are fond of the fruit. Semi-deciduous. 13m

Mulberry - White Shahtoot

$49.00 ($24.00-$129.00 choose a size)

Large, sweet fruit can reach up to 10cm in length. Delicious eaten fresh but can also be sundried and eaten as a sweet. Medium sized, spreading tree with a weeping habit, excellent shade tree. Birds love them too so make sure you cover them if you don't want to share. You can also get multiple crops by pruning immediately after your first crop.

Dwarf Mulberry - Red Shahtoot

$99.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

Much more compact in growth habit than the King White Shahtoot. These delicious sweet fruits can reach 10cm in length. Ideal for back yards and we consider it a must have fruit tree for the back yard. The best way to eat mulberries is fresh from the tree. If some should make it to the kitchen bench they make excellent pies, jams, wines and sauces. Multiple crops are possible by pruning directly after your first crop. Suitable for most regions of Australia, although it can be susceptible to damage from late frosts. The red shahtoot is ideal for growing in pots and containers due to it small growing habit and it is ideal for school gardens as it does not produce fruits that stain and the sweet fruits are very appealing to children. This variety is best suited to warm subtropical climates and does not perform well in temperate climate where it tends to drop their fruit.

Dwarf Mulberry - Black

$34.00 ($23.90-$99.00 choose a size)

This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.
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Dwarf Mulberry - Majestic


Very low chill tree for the subtropics. The fruits of this mulberry are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. Prune your tree after fruiting to keep under 3mtrs, and to encourage multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. Fruit ripens over time, giving an extended harvest of delicious fruit. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. Remember it makes a wonderful temporary dye for children faces and hands! (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video ) Preferable to plant in the subtropics as in temperate regions, flowering is too early and yields are subsequently affected.
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Sheoak - River

$2.75 ($2.75-$4.90 choose a size)

Riparian species, tall, elegant and a good choice for windbreaks and compacted soils with the added advantage of being nitrogen fixing. It is a conical evergreen tree with pendulous needle-like foliage.
Buy 16+ @$2.75ea usually:$4.90ea

Photinia Red Robin

$9.75 ($9.75-$18.75 choose a size)

Fast growing evergreen shrub, with a dense habit, that responds well to pruning. New foliage growth is brilliant red in colour, changing to bronze-green as the season progresses and maturing to be dark green. Showy white flowers appear in clusters to be followed by small berries. Ideal as a long lasting hedge, a focal point shrub/small tree, topiarised, or in pots on balconies and courtyards in courtyards.
Buy 1+ @$9.75ea usually:$14.75ea

Tamarillo - Red

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

Also known as the Tree Tomato is a very quick growing small tree that bears heavy crops of red sub-acid succulent fruit. Prefers a sheltered spot with well drained soil.
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$14.90 ($12.75-$18.75 choose a size)

Lemongrass is one of the most versatile of herbs. It makes a delicious herbal tea, is often used in cooking, as an effective pest repellent and an almost impenetrable weed barrier. Tie the outer leaves in a loop and cook with food to impart flavour. Be sure to remove before serving. Incredibly fast to become established and drought tolerant. The fleshy, purple part of the stem is used in curry pastes and can be ground into a paste and added to marinades and sauces to impart a fresh, lemony flavour.
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Cape Chestnut Grafted Pink


An evergreen, small to medium tree with a spreading crown. In early summer this attractive tree bears masses of showy, light pink flowers above the large, glossy, oval leaves. Flowers within 2 years.

Bay Tree

$16.75 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)

This handsome pyramid shaped tree makes a superb tub specimen, hedging plant or topiary sculpture due to its positive response to pruning. The leaves of the bay are used as a popular culinary seasoning used in all types of cooking.
Buy 1+ @$16.75ea usually:$19.75ea

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