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Carmen Hass Avo

    8 responses

Brendan starts with ...
"Carmen-Hass (A) This is the hottest new sport of the popular commercial Hass. Apparently one tree in a Hass orchard in Mexico started flowering 3 times per year. A normal Hass blooms once in spring and is harvested the following year from late spring to early fall. The odd tree, now known as Carmen-Hass, blooms in spring, summer, and fall with corresponding crops. A mature tree can be harvested pretty much the entire year! Interestingly, the shape of the fruit is influenced by the bloom period. Spring bloom creates the typical pear-shaped fruit. Later blooms create rounded fruit. Carmen-Hass trees can grow tall and wide if allowed. This may be the only Avocado tree your garden needs!

Wonder if Daleys will have this variety one day? :-)
Anyone else know of this?

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Mackay, Q
20th September 2013 7:55am
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Db says...
Googel search leads me to this document abt it - http://www.avocadosource.com/wac7/section_14/illsleycarlos2011b.pdf
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20th September 2013 8:27am
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TBC says...
Thanks Brendan.. That attached document says field trials were started in 2010 in Australia... Its sounds like the perfect tree for a home Grower with up to 3 flowerings and crops per year.. I'd love to get one if you hear of any for sale.. Cheers Tim
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9th May 2020 7:15am
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jakfruit etiquette says...
It seems that Carmen Hass is grown by ANFIC
It would be good to find out if the trees are in commercial orchards, and if the fruit is available in shops, maybe as early Hass ??
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jakfruit etiquette
12th May 2020 8:26pm
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Marmot1 says...
Right now in Sydney, they have very large avocados under the name "Hass", but I think they are maluma hass.
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15th May 2020 3:06pm
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jakfruit etiquette says...
The multiple flowering trait sounds great, either to give wide cropping period from the same tree, or a second chance at a crop in case of frost, heat wave etc causing fruit drop/crop loss in one period.
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jakfruit etiquette
16th May 2020 11:43am
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TBC says...
I checked with the ANFIC - they are only supplying to commercial growers... not to retail nurseries .. gggrrr
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18th May 2020 9:34am
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jakfruit etiquette says...
After some checking I found out the fruit of Carmen Hass is available in shops, as a late Hass, could be variable times depending on where the orchards are.
Ive seen a few types of Hass in shops, not sure how to ID this one from the others, any ideas ??
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jakfruit etiquette
gotham city,3000,Vic
29th August 2020 9:57am
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People who Like this Answer: Markmelb
davewastech1 says...
Hi guys,
Has there been any progress on Carmen avos in Aus yet?
A Carmen sounds like the perfect fit to allow us to eat good tasting home-grown avos for much of the year.
Seems like trees have been grown to supply commercial orchards on a small scale in Aus for a long time now (I think I read somewhere since 2010?)
Thanks for any info,
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12th October 2023 11:24pm
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