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Growing Kiwi From Seed

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Tyler01 starts with ...
I currently have some kiwi seedlings that I grew from seed and as they don't grow true to type, I was wondering if anybody knew the possible varieties they could grow into. Or if they might just be non fruit bearing ?

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Kings park
17th December 2013 11:07am
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People who Like this Question KitschWitch
allybanana says...
The fruit could be like one of the parents or a mix of both in an amazing way or it may reverte to a wild type kiwi as seedlings sometimes do. Taking chances with seedling is how many varieties were developed in the first place, its a lucky dip good luck.

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6th January 2014 11:34pm
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People who Like this Question Riggy
BenW says...
I believe most wild type kiwis are pretty palatable, so you will probably wind up with something edible, though chances are it will be inferior to the parent. As Ally says, you might hit the jackpot with a great new variety, but usually to do that you raise hundreds or thousands of seedlings and cull all but a few.

The biggest problem for you is that Kiwis require separate male and female vines for pollination, and you won't know which is which until they flower in 4 to 5 years, so you will need to grow half a dozen or so to ensure you have at least one of each.

After 4 years these will be BIG vines. Mine are 3 meters apart on a trellis, which is half the recommended spacing.

If you have the space and the patience, carry on and good luck.

If you are in an average suburban block, take a look at varieties Daley's has and save yourself a lot of hassle for the sake of $50 :)
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7th January 2014 10:13am
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Mike Tr says...
A friend took a picture of the wild chinese gooseberries recently while frolicking around china.They are very good t eat apparently.
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Mike Tr
7th January 2014 10:45am
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Mike Tr says...
Red centred ones are the best tasting apparently and grow true from seeds.
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Mike Tr
7th January 2014 10:48am
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Tommoz says...
Red centred kiwifruit is the cultivar 'hongyang' or 'red sun.' A commercially viable variety of this cultivar is called EnzaRed
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7th January 2014 6:17pm
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Original Post was last edited: 7th January 2014 6:17pm
allybanana says...
I tried my first enza red kiwi today and was very impressed it had a berry flavor mixed into the kiwi a bit like cherry or raspberry. I guess my chances of getting a plant of this variety are pretty slim "plant breeders rights and all". I will try and grow some from seed but I dought they will come true. Any one else got a spare scion, just putting it out there?
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20th July 2016 10:08pm
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allybanana says...
Mic Tr what a crazy looking kiwi in your pic above, it looks like it has a coating of white fleece. I wonder if it is the species Actinidia eriantha (See the fruit labled E on picture from this page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwifruitl)I had no idea there were so many types of kiwi fruit, my home could look like sleeping beauty's castle during her hundred year sleep.
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21st July 2016 9:49am
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BenW says...
I tried the red ones this year - I thought they were quite nice. I've kept one for seed as well :)
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23rd July 2016 4:08pm
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allybanana says...
My red kiwis came up about six seedlings I put the seeds in the fridge for a couple of months first then planted them in a greenhouse. I planted them a couple of mm deep and covered them with a piece of calico until they came up.

I wonder what male is being used commercialy to pollinate these fruit and how the fruit may turn out from these vines.
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19th October 2016 10:39pm
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Markmelb says...
You now have the wait for a female? My Kiwis are in 4th summer and no sign of flowers on Females - my male is flowering but not many flowers - these will pollinate the Mt Tomah Red thats about to flower - should be tasty as I enjoyed the self fertile kiwiberries last year. YUM
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20th October 2016 6:41pm
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People who Like this Answer: allybanana
loewenzahn says...
Do the seeds have to be fresh? I purchased seed in the past but didn't have luck with it.
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21st October 2016 12:19pm
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allybanana says...
Markmelb even if my reds turn out male I will be happy as I need a low chill male for my sweetie and from what I can gather red kiwi's are quite low chill being being more A.chinesensis (gold kiwi) parentage I am interested in your flowering male, is it flowering already and does it produce any flowers before your Isa kiwi berry's first flowers open?

Ioewenzahn my seeds were a few months old when I planted them, I think kiwi seeds naturally lie dormant over winter and come up in spring so they should last a few months at least. I suspect chilling is a requirement to break dormancy though, at least in some species, that is why I put mine in the fridge. If you buy kiwi fruit from the shop this time of year it has likely spent time in cold store and the seeds might be able to be planted immediately.

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21st October 2016 10:03pm
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Markmelb says...
Ally - my Hayward male seems to be growing by the looks at the same rate at present to the Mt Tomah - the issai is at about same stage - I wouldnt mind a piece of either M or F oneday to graft to mine.
They graft very easily as my male i put on to the Bruno Female to get more Male flowers is cracking along in new growth for future as my male is planted in same hole as Hayward female and not growing as fast. At present still have no female Kiwi flowers but some branches on the Bruno may still have flowers but they are alot later to bud.
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23rd October 2016 1:08pm
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allybanana says...
To clarify things MarkMelb I am looking for a male that opens its flowers at the same time or before the first flowers of Isa open. I am particularly interested in this as half my Isa flowers have already opened, all my sweetie female flowers are finished and nearly all my Waynes female flowers are finished, but I do not have a male flower open yet to pollinate any of them.

I am very happy to send scions of any I have or red kiwi seedlings if they survive.
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28th October 2016 9:36pm
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Original Post was last edited: 28th October 2016 9:38pm
Tommoz says...
Ally, you might want to look into getting a male arguta from Yamina.
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29th October 2016 6:22pm
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allybanana says...
That might just work, I will do that, Thanks Tommoz
About the Author
6th November 2016 9:28pm
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People who Like this Question allybanana
Markmelb says...
I got a Male Arguta from yamina on Friday - nice plant one year old cutting powering away already up the bamboo after planting today. He said it should flower next year at same time as the Mt Tomah and the Issai too which flowers same time as the Former. Im stratifying some Gold Kiwi seeds for a month just for fun just to have a go too?
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20th November 2016 3:15pm
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Original Post was last edited: 21st November 2016 8:40am
allybanana says...
Hi Markmelb Hopefully the male Arguta does the job I am trying to get one myself and and possibly a female Arguta from Yamani, also the Actinidia rubricaulis they sell flowers earlier than Arguta I am wondering if this could be a good low chill pollinator.

I think I will try and grow on a few of my enza red seedlings on. If I planted them in Bonsi bags in the ground do you think I could restrict the roots and get them flowering earlier. Also does anyone know the minimum space I need to give he vine in order to get it flowering.
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22nd November 2016 10:54pm
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Original Post was last edited: 22nd November 2016 11:24pm
allybanana says...
I just found an interesting article on accelerating the time taken to get fruit from seed and taking up less space. Multiple young canes are grafted on to an existing large vine. I might try this with my red kiwi seedlings. http://www.ishs.org/ishs-article/913_48

Here are pics of my red kiwi seedlings interestingly some of the seedlings are more red than others. From what I have red the red color does not often come true but hopefully they keep some of the taste, I thought they tasted more like the original gold kiwi hort16a before it got dedtroyed by disease and replaced by the gold3 a few years ago.
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Picture: 1
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24th November 2016 10:09pm
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Original Post was last edited: 25th November 2016 10:01am
loewenzahn says...
Interesting. BTW issai is it ony available at diggers? I don't like to pay membership fees. I think issai would actually be better here in the mountains although we get good kiwis.
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26th November 2016 7:09am
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allybanana says...
I have flower buds on my low chill kiwi seedlings from the red kiwi fruit Enza Red. I purchased the fruit July 2016 and bud grafted the small seedlings onto a mature vine and forced them for the first year using the techniques of Liang et al, 2011 (also see above posts). Many of the enza red seedling grafts are bursting bud earlier than my sweetie female (Picture 9). Mabye I will finaly get pollination on my sweetie female or get to try a tasty new fruit.

The varieties with larger growth broke dormancy earlier, suggestig lower chill varietes. Note: flower buds on Picture 5 and 6 are Enza Red seedling grafts just over two years from planting the seed. Neither the sweetie male (Picture 7) or the fobbiden fruits male (Picture 6) are showing any sighn of bud burst.

Picture number:

1 RN 1 (Enza Red seedling)
2 Issai Female
3 Kens Red Female
4 Waynes Female
5 RN 10 (Enza Red seedling)
6 RN 5 (Enza Red seedling)
7 Sweetie male
8 Forbidden Fruits Male
9 Sweetie Female

Reference: Liang, H., Hu, Y., Pang, W., Liu, W. and Yang, M. (2011). STUDIES ON KIWIFRUIT IMPROVEMENT BY MULTIPLE TOP GRAFTING. Acta Hortic. 913, 365-371 https://www.actahort.org/books/913/913_48.htm
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1st September 2018 11:58pm
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Original Post was last edited: 4th September 2018 8:28am
Markmelb says...
Hoping you have female flowers.
My first Gold Kiwi seedling graft has worked {on Bruno} and has leaves and I grafted 2 Issai and a Kens Red onto the Mt Tomah successfully too - so the MT is compatible.Gold on left with leaves. Kens with red buds pushing on right.
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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2nd September 2018 9:15am
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd September 2018 8:09am
allybanana says...
My low chill kiwi males I grew from seed are bursting buds I put a few sticks in the fridge wrapped in parafilm. They are good pollinators for sweetie female. Limited supply. allydalton(dot)sculpture(at)gmail(dot)com
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28th August 2019 8:59pm
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