Mango - Nam doc mai

$54.00 ($54.00-$69.00 choose a size)

Thai-type mango with green-yellow skin, sweet, tender and juicy with an excellent flavour. Regular cropper in cooler climates.It is elongated and tapers to a long point. They contain little acid and are fibreless. Susceptible to Anthracnose, resistant to Black Spot. Size 375gms. It is esteemed by Asian cultures as a pickled fruit, or as one eaten green or ripe.

Sugar Apple

$49.00 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

The sugar apple is an interesting tropical fruit that has succulent segmented flesh that is creamy-white, it is similar to the custard apple to which it is closely related. Delicious eaten raw (preferably chilled), in fruit salads, ice creams and drinks. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back


$49.00 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)

The Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a small leafy tree that grows throughout India and bears an edible fruit. Amla oil is extracted from its seeds and pulp. The amla fruit is often referred to as the "Indian Gooseberry" because of its edible, very tart taste. The pectin content makes it ideal for jam and chutneys. The tree begins to yield fruit from the third year onwards and the productivity levels are good. Amla oil is prepared from dried amla berries, which have been soaked in coconut oil for several days. This oil is one of the world's oldest natural hair conditioners. These trees are semi deciduous in the winter and spring, and may lose some leaves in transport as a stress response. This is quite normal and the plant will recover well.
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Papaya - Yellow

$19.75 ($4.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Yellow Fleshed Papaya. Vigorous and heavy cropping selection. Yellows purportedly do better in cooler climates than red varieties. Still with that great tropical papaya flavour. Partner with lime juice for a zesty refreshing snack. Dioecious variety- Male and Female Flowers on different plants. Plant multiple Papayas for fruit set in dioecious varieties.

Papaya - Southern Red

$19.75 ($4.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Bisexual orange - red fleshed Papaya with very sweet juicy flesh. Heavy cropper of elongated fruit. Seedlings have been selected from high quality self pollinated selection, so expect at least 80% bisexual plants. Performs best in a sheltered warm location.
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