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Bayberry (forum)

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kert starts with ...
There is a second seller on eBay for Bayberry seed and he is in Hong Kong. Says 95% germination . At least it's cheap.

Time: 2nd September 2010 5:57pm

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Phil@Tyalgum says...
My Bayberry seeds got lost in the mail, the seller has kindly offered to replace them fortunately. It would be good to get a second strain going as well, seeing they are on the AQIS approved list.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 2nd September 2010 8:04pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Jantina says...
My seeds also got lost in the mail and the seller offered to replace mine too so here's hoping we eventually get them.

Time: 3rd September 2010 8:50am

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About the Author Jantina
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kert says...
"Lost in the mail" Let us know if he/she actually replaces them as there is the faintest smell of scam.

Time: 3rd September 2010 1:19pm

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Brad says...
Id suggest chase a refund. if they arrive, bonus

Time: 3rd September 2010 3:29pm

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About the Author Brad2
Como, Perth
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amanda says...
Pretty fruit - looks like Xmas tree decoration...but what does it taste like?

Time: 3rd September 2010 5:26pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
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Robe says...
Hey Phil did you ever get your seeds to germinate?

Time: 21st March 2012 8:46am

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john says...
I have never heard anyone germinating eBay seed of Bayberry successfully.Prove me wrong.

Time: 21st March 2012 9:31am

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BJ says...
I wouldn't grow them from seeds. Supposed to be resinous and awful, like a bad surinam cherry, and you need male and female plants to get any fruit. I am certain that in a few years something decent will come out of Maroocy, as they have hinted they've cracked the secret to tissue culture of the plants (apparently it has been near impossible in the past?). They also mentioned the possiblitiy of grafting male and female onto the same plant to eliminate the need for planting both. It was all in the youtube video, that is now seeminly gone :(

Though, if you have lots of land to experiment with and a supply of fresh seeds, go for it.

And just a quick rant about Youtube. It has completely changed in the past few months to become the worst type of spam ad peddling nuissance on the internet. Type in 'Bayberry' and you'll get a thousand ads for houses and nothing of relevance. It is surely time for a better version to usurp it ala Myspace vs Facebook.

Time: 21st March 2012 9:44am

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Original Post was last edited: 21st March 2012 9:48am

About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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john says...
Do the Chinese grow Bayberry from grafted plants.?

Time: 21st March 2012 2:06pm

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BJ says...
They have selected varieties. Cant recall if they are grafted or marcotted. They look like lychee x sapodilla. I think they can be layered, but there is something that gets at the roots, so grafting onto more resistant rootstock, or TC, is probably preferable where possible.

The Chinese selected varieties will not be showing up here any time soon. The Chinese government is protective of this plant, but nurserymen in it for a few quick bucks will ship them out to whoever has the $ for importation. The Maroochy selections had to be made from their own seed grown plants.

Time: 21st March 2012 2:11pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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Mike says...
The chinese postal system means that everything to be sent is inspected before it goes in parcels.Contraband like bayberry plants would be easy to detect.
From what I can glean commercial nurseries mostly strike cuttings.Marcotting and grafting works well but grafting is considered too much effort for most propagation.UQ grafted their ones.Seeds are routinely planted in china and the proportion of true to type and good quality trees seems to be pretty good.

Time: 21st March 2012 5:51pm

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BJ says...
A group of growers from California recently made a large order of selcted cultivars from China, which turned up okay (but beat up from postage).

Time: 21st March 2012 6:14pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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denise says...
From what I figure the bayberry seeds are short lived and I woulnt buy them at this time as the crop is not due till June. All seeds now could be from last years crop.

Time: 21st March 2012 6:34pm

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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Hey in response to Geraldine, none of my seeds ever germinated which was disappointing, I bought them on eBay from a grower in Adelaide. It sounds like I'm not missing much.

Time: 21st March 2012 6:41pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Mike says...
You may be correct Denise but the fellow I mentioned in the deleted post who will try to get seeds in person has eaten them in southern china before.He advised the main season is May to August depending on variety and location.He also said he tried some fresh ones in February which I presume fruited out of season.He will be there for the last few days of March and start of April so we'll see.

Time: 21st March 2012 6:44pm

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john says...
Here is what was deleted - eBay seeds are, it seems, useless; no one has ever successfully germinated them. Disregard the sellers' assertion of 90 per cent germination. I would not be surprised if it is some sort of scam.

Time: 22nd March 2012 7:49am

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jakfruit etiquette says...
Do the seed reqiure cold stratification??

Time: 22nd March 2012 8:37am

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denise says...
... and by the time you have gone through all the stratifying etc you have forgotten where they are from and who to complain to when they dont come up. I wonder if all the deleting that has been going on lately is just some random glitch in the system that needs RECTUMfying.

Time: 22nd March 2012 12:50pm

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denise says...
... and by the time you have gone through all the stratifying etc you have forgotten where they are from and who to complain to when they dont come up. I wonder if all the deleting that has been going on lately is just some random glitch in the system that needs RECTUMfying.

Time: 22nd March 2012 12:51pm

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Mike says...
Tomorrow I expect to find out if my friend has returned from China with a swag of Bayberry seeds.I am not bristling with confidence as he has not contacted me before now.

Time: 19th April 2012 6:21pm

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Violet Cactus says...
Mike, if he does come back with some and there are any to spare, I would *love* to grow them.
Fingers crossed!

Time: 19th April 2012 6:36pm

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About the Author VioletCactus1
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Mike says...
VC I had better not shoot my mouth off (fingers off?) in case I don't get them or very many.If I do I will divide them between the usual suspects,john (as per past conversation) and yourself.

Time: 19th April 2012 6:58pm

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john says...
Against my better judgement I have ,again, bought the (dud) Bayberry seeds offered on e.Bay, like a divorcee going into his third marriage I expect tru lurv this time.

Time: 20th April 2012 7:25am

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About the Author john53
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BJ says...
there is a small chance I could lay my eyes on the real deal on a field trip in 2 weeks. Though they'll probably keep them under lock and key...

I'd expect the fruit to hit select shelves in SQLD/NNSW in the next few years anyhow, then you'd have easy access to fresh viable seed...

Time: 20th April 2012 8:22am

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Original Post was last edited: 20th April 2012 8:37am

About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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John Mc says...
I'll try and find some and give them a go. The germinating process can be long and drawn out. The Asimina Triloba's are a walk in the park compared to the Red Bayberry, it appears.
There's a few different processes tried with differing results on fresh seed. Most are low germination rates at best. Do you have a pet bird? it's one method that completely removes the wax coating in nature although, apparently it can be removed mechanically by hand to quicken the germinating process. Apparently the plants don't mind boggy soils but need a low Ph of 4 and 5 to grow well.
How long has it been since you started the germinating process? Thinking out loud, if the seed is not fresh it might take longer than expected, fresh seed can take up to 12 months to appear. Apparently it's difficult to break dormancy in that species. It might be one of those seed trays that gets put aside and forgotten about till something happens, or not!

Time: 20th April 2012 8:49am

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About the Author JohnMc1
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john says...
Thanks , John Mc. The seller in HK is quoting 90% germination. I am going to stratify and then sandpaper them after 4 months . If needs be I'll eat them myself.

Time: 20th April 2012 9:30am

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About the Author john53
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John Mc says...
Lol, then dig a hole where you want them to come up.

Time: 20th April 2012 12:37pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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Mike says...
I have some good news and some bad news.The bad news is,as Denise predicted, no good bayberries were in season and my friend came back empty handed on the bayberry seed front.The good news is that he has cemented channels that will ensure the bayberry seeds will slide straight into my hands ready for distribution in June or July when the season is on.He also have me some pretty good seeds of other things so I'll take comfort in those until the bayberries turn up.

Time: 20th April 2012 4:25pm

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denise says...
Hi Mike, I wonder if I could be added to the list for getting some of the bayberry seeds. I too have tried soo many times with D.O.A. seeds. My Contact is bentanemahuta at gmail dot com thanks.

Time: 21st April 2012 7:13am

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About the Author denise1
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Mike says...
Denise, if all the pieces fall into place,sure.I won't say too much more about it until they are in hand in June/July as these things are never certain.

Time: 21st April 2012 7:55am

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Phil@Tyalgum says...
I have three of Jantina's bayberry seedlings up and running and looks like more to follow.. anyone else having luck?

Time: 10th December 2012 7:20pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Six have now germinated.. it's looking promising.

Time: 15th December 2012 11:25am

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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MaryT says...
Well done you, Phil. Pics please, before too long. :)

Time: 15th December 2012 11:49am

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
I might give some of these red bayberry seeds a whirl with GA3.They are one of the best from the Shanghai broader district.I am too hot for them here.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 15th December 2012 3:03pm

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Phil@Tyalgum says...
The seedlings coming up look healthy and vigorous Mike, more emerging each day. I'm glad I went ahead and took the next step, it seems to be the trick to getting them up. It'd be good to have another strain going in this country. What are they supposed to taste like?

Time: 15th December 2012 3:11pm

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Original Post was last edited: 15th December 2012 3:24pm

About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Mike says...
I have never tried them Phil and description say they have a unique taste with sweet,sour and something else maybe turpsiness.These are from a friends' wife's sister.
I have to get in the groove of sending stuff around again and plan to share these and other seeds.

Time: 15th December 2012 3:21pm

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MaryT says...
Mike, please send seedlings LOL - Phil they are more sour than sweet, I'd say, though they are supposed to be sour. My mouth starts to water as soon as I think of them (not out of greediness but the thought of the taste).

Time: 15th December 2012 4:19pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
Early this year everyone was chasing them and I said I would try and get seeds of good ones.It took longer than I expected and people got them in the mean time.Mary do you want seeds or me to try and sprout some and then send them? It looks like I have about 2 seeds.

Time: 15th December 2012 5:06pm

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MaryT says...
If you only have two please keep them for yourself Mike; I was just joking about the seedling because I don't want to play with the GA regime. :)

PS You need male and female trees so the more the merrier for you. :)

Time: 15th December 2012 6:04pm

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Original Post was last edited: 15th December 2012 6:05pm
About the Author MaryT
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denise1 says...
I have finally had a first taste of bottled Red Bayberry from glass jars bought at the local asian supermarket-Sanwen brand. It is a bit tasteless and with some sweetness and a bit earthy. They are firm but quickly liquify in the mouth. It is definitely a mouthy experience. However they also have a slight licorice taste and it lingers in the mouth a long time. Not quite awful, but worth it for all the healthy anthocyanins etc. I would definitely recommend it and advise blending with some other juice to overcome the earthiness.

Time: 27th December 2012 2:33pm

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About the Author denise1
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Linton says...
All the Bayberrys are damping off and dying on emergence!

Quite a lot of the Bayberry seeds seemed to germinate, but as soon as the new shoots emerged from the soil they died. Is it because the air temperature or humidity is not correct and the mix is very wet.

I've had this happen with mass seed plantings for 2 other species before. They all simply die once the seedling comes out of the soil and reaches the air.

Time: 29th December 2012 12:13am

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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denise1 says...
Have you used a commercial sterilized seed raising mix. I have had mass dieoff of maqui and then tried pure peat which gave about 100% success. It is seldom good to overwater seeds. You can buy a fungicide from your garden centre. I would recommend resowing of the seeds in a new mix after giving the seeds in an appropriate short soak. I dont know what products you ozzies have.

Time: 29th December 2012 8:12am

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About the Author denise1
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
I wonder if it has something to do with the Gibberellic acid. Some of mine did the same thing but I also have much stronger, sturdier seedlings which look like survivors. The ones which collapsed were very fine and skinny when they emerged, the strong ones were much more vigourous from the time they broke dormancy.

Time: 29th December 2012 9:29am

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Linton says...
The strange thing is that other types of seeds have come up at the same time and they are doing fine. It is only the Bayberrys that died off.

Most of these Bayberry seeds were not treated with Giberellic, only with Seed Start, and grew within a few weeks of planting. The ones treated with Giberellic don't seem to have germinated yet. I used Scott's Osmacote seed raising mix.

Time: 29th December 2012 12:10pm

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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MaryT says...
They like good drainage. In China they are grown on a slope to give you an idea of how they hate wet feet.

Time: 29th December 2012 1:28pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
One of my pots of Bayberry seedlings, some strong growers which look like they are going to do well.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 5th January 2013 1:36pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Julie says...
I think I'm going to toss mine out - fed up with looking after them and no results! Not one has germinated.

Time: 5th January 2013 10:17pm

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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Linton says...
No, please don't throw them out!

They are far too valuable and rare not to be grown here and the seeds are still good. It is usual for germination to take 3 months or more. I dug one out of the pot yesterday thinking it was dead and saw the start of a new shoot coming out of it.

So if you feel that you can't persist with them, try taking them out of the soil and sending them on to others who may be able to raise them. It seems that they probably need treatment with Gibberellic Acid to get them going.

Time: 6th January 2013 2:26am

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Original Post was last edited: 6th January 2013 2:27am

About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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denise1 says...
I had a few bayberry seedlings sprouting in the garden from seed I gave up on and tossed many months before when I didnt know to use gibberellin. I have ordered some GA3 from Canada for the current batch that wont sprout. I have just discovered a tree growing with a crop on them. A sparse tree slightly taller than a shed with less than a hundred fruit making a very showy tree. It seemed to be the only tree around so perhaps not needing a pollenater in this case.

Time: 6th January 2013 8:17am

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About the Author denise1
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Julie says...
It's been 4 1/2 months! I'll dig them up and have a look.

On the other hand, White Sapote seeds took about 6 months, but I just left them out in the rain over winter, and didn't fuss over them.

The Bayberry were on a propagating mat for 3 months before I put them outside, and watered daily.

Time: 6th January 2013 2:59pm

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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Linton says...
Attention Denise!

That is a siginficant finding of a Bayberry tree on it's own with fruit. As it seems to be a self fertile type it would be good to propagate some offrsping from it.

Do you have access to the tree and can you get the fruit, seeds, cuttings? Could you please send me some seeds of it if you can get some. Also please send a photo of it if possible. Thanks!

Time: 7th January 2013 8:40am

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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Natalie1 says...
I see some action in my seeds today yay

Time: 7th January 2013 5:22pm

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About the Author Natalie1
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denise1 says...
There is a chance I can get back to the tree. It is a very long way. I may have to wait until next year but fingers crossed. It may be one tree or two of them close together. Unfortunately I was only a passenger on the trip and couldnt call a stop.

Time: 7th January 2013 7:28pm

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About the Author denise1
auckland NZ
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Linton says...
I went to the Botanic Gardens yesterday as they have some Chinese Bayberry Trees (Myrica rubra) growing in 2 places in the gardens.

Well I went to both locations as pinpointed on the map and I couldn't find them in either place. It didn't help that I didn't really know what I was looking for, should have taken a picture with me. And it might have been easier to find them if they had fruit on them. Does anyone know when they have fruit?

Time: 11th January 2013 1:34pm

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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Julie says...
My bayberry experiment is over. This morning I discovered they had been knocked off my east-facing little wall, probably by a cat. Grrr! Soil spread all over the ground, not a hope of finding the seeds. Sigh!

Time: 11th January 2013 9:46pm

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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Linton says...
So sad that you lost all of your Bayberry seeds. I suppose that means you have entirely given up on growing them now.

Regarding the long running University of Queensland trials on commercial cultivation, I read a number of reports where they have now licenced them to YV Fresh, a berry grower based in Victoria who intends to commence production to supply the market.

It will be interesting to see how successful this venture will be.




Time: 17th January 2013 8:00am

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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lenn says...
YV also grow the karakaberry. Funny the way taxpayers money does not mean taxpayers get a look -in when plants are distributed.

Time: 17th January 2013 10:59am

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About the Author lenn15
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Jantina says...
The way I read it they will be selling trees too but whether that is to the public or only to select trade I don't know. Some of those companies have Monsanto like restrictions that go with the plants they sell.

Time: 17th January 2013 11:53am

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About the Author Jantina
Mt Gambier
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denise1 says...
Hey Linton, I have now got my Seed-start, please can you advise what strength and how long do I soak the seeds

Time: 18th January 2013 7:36am

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About the Author denise1
auckland NZ
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Linton says...
I put the seeds in Epsom Salts for 1 - 2 hours, then soak in seed start overnight.

The directions on the bottle state to dilute it with just enough water to coat the seed, so I make it very concentrated. I don't think it's very critical as you can even dip seedlings in a solution of 10 ml per 1 litre of water.

It's not like Gibberellic Acid, seed start is more like a nutrient. For seeds that are hard to germinate I think Gibberellic Acid is better.

Time: 19th January 2013 8:00am

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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phil@tyalgum says...
A seedling from Jantina's Bayberry mailout. It seems to like the climate here, have just potted up to a planter bag, now about 18" tall.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 7th December 2013 5:28pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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phil@tyalgum says...
One of Jantina's red bayberry trees from seed she sent. Multi-trunked, I wonder if it's because of the Giberellic acid I used to assist germination.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 5th June 2014 3:48pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Mike Tr says...
I have seeds of a more tropical red bayberry from south Taiwan called Black Carbon. I have treated some with GA3 and have other in moist peat moss in the vegie crisper. Maybe I should not have turned up my nose at an offer by a chinese grower to send me many top types that were more cold adapted.

GA3 can cause etoliation but should cause multi-trunking.

Time: 5th June 2014 8:14pm

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About the Author Mike Tr
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VioletCactus1 says...
So envious! I've been trying to grow Myrica for years. Good work, Phil!

Time: 24th June 2014 7:14pm

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About the Author VioletCactus1
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sternus1 says...
You can buy black carbon here in bulk cheap.


Time: 24th June 2014 7:32pm

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About the Author sternus1
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Mike Tr says...
I received a few more red bayberry seeds from a chinese friend. They are a black and the best red so I treated both with GA3 and planted them and put some in the fridge. I am debating whether to treat the fridge ones with GA3 when they come out and the Taiwanese black carbon have been in the fridge for about a month already.

Time: 24th June 2014 7:35pm

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About the Author Mike Tr
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sternus1 says...
I have a pair of grafted Dongkui which are the main commercial chinese variety and the best from all reports. They won't fruit for a while though.

Next on the hit list is grafted self pollinating che.

Time: 24th June 2014 7:43pm

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About the Author sternus1
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JohnMc1 says...
Thanks for that link sternus1, I just bought 250grams worth of "Black Carbon" seeds.

Time: 24th June 2014 9:39pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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Mike Tr says...
John was it from Rock in Yunlin?

Time: 24th June 2014 9:40pm

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About the Author Mike Tr
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JohnMc1 says...
The seeds are from a seller who goes by the name of "Flowers Story" from Mainland China. There are a number of vendors to choose from at that Aliexpress online shopping web-site..

Time: 25th June 2014 4:25am

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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sternus1 says...
Linton just to let you know I haven't forgotten you, I'll be balancing the ledger with you early next week,.

Time: 25th June 2014 7:21am

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About the Author sternus1
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Linton says...
Hi Sternus, thanks for the message but no rush, just whenever you have something to spare.

Time: 26th June 2014 11:39am

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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sternus1 says...
Trust me, you're going to want what I've got.

Time: 26th June 2014 11:40am

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About the Author sternus1
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JohnMc1 says...
Where did the grafted Bayberry come from? or is that classified?

Time: 26th June 2014 12:24pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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sternus1 says...
I don't do classified. These people who sit around jerking off over plants and varieties that nobody else has are anathema to me. I've got somehting you don't have! Doo Daa! Doo Daa! You know the type. They were that kid you always wanted to punch in the face in the sandpit.

I'll PM you.

Time: 26th June 2014 12:52pm

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About the Author sternus1
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JohnMc1 says...

I agree, It's always been my resolve to spread the rarer species around, there's a better chance of getting it back if the unfortunate happens.

Time: 26th June 2014 3:57pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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Linton says...
Hi Sternus

Can't wait to see what you're sending!

About the Bayberry, I too would like the grafted one so perhaps we could make a bulk order for them. The ones I grew from seed using GA3 all died after a year. Then I learned that for stronger plants, you shouldn't use GA3 on them as they can germinate perfectly well on their own given sufficient stratification.

At least 3 - 6 months is required, but some people have to repeat stratify them 2 or 3 times, but in the end I've been told they will nearly all germinate - a lot of patience is the key.

Anyway the grafted ones would be much better so please let me know if you can get them. Thanks.

Time: 26th June 2014 4:46pm

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About the Author Linton
Springvale, Vic
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