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Yellow Mangosteen

    23 responses

tr starts with ...
Picked some fruit today of this sour fruit .. it is edible and not as sour as I thought it would be . Another case of not believing what you read or hear to much . Very attractive large tree with lots of fruit . Unsure as to what species it really is as names are so hard to check . Species for sale here on Daleys looks nothing like this fruit . These are nearly perfectly round . Thats 5 sp. of Garcinia I am growing now , trying to get some more .. heard of another few spp. up on the tablelands .
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28th May 2009 8:43pm
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Speedy says...
Nice sized tree tr!
Is it yours?
If so, how old?
It looks like what I've always known as G.xanthochymus
Very sour but palatable.
The fr. I've seen have often been pointed, though still within therange of expected variation.
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Swan Hill, Vic
28th May 2009 9:41pm
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trikus says...
Not mine , my garden is only 3 years old . It is in the front yard of a retired Italian canefarmer .Will try and find out the age , must be very old . Local grower has several thousand G mangostana that should have produced fruit this year , but the effects of cyclone Larry have done something strange .. maybe next year .
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28th May 2009 11:40pm
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Speedy says...
"...several thousand G.mangostana..."
Expected to fruit this year or next, They must be 15 yr old yeah?
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Swan Hill, Vic
29th May 2009 9:14am
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trikus says...
NO, these trees are approx 7 years old . Under ideal conditions they grow very fast . Canopy of Alexander palms , fertigation and 4m annual rainfall really help.
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29th May 2009 1:38pm
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amanda says...
Hi Trikus.. I saw your comment on fertigation - can you help me please? I just installed a venturi system in my orchard (ie: liquids introduced thru' the retic lines - just so we are on the same page?) how often do you use it? also - what are u using with it? (eg: fert's, compost tea etc) and how do u work out what each tree is 'getting'? (i'm worried about burning my trees - we only get 450mm annually if we are lucky :(((

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30th May 2009 6:52pm
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trikus says...
Being close to the reef has made responsible farmers look at different systems of fertilizing . We had a field day recently at this farm [ grower has mainly bananas ] and he is using a home made [secret] solution . An orchid grower I knew in Bundy , used a stainless steel 100 litre tank for his fertigation . He alternated between 4 different types . An organic one week followed by a chemical based one . Kelp , blossom booster , fish ? and a special orchid brand . He always used half to quarter strength , like the good orchid growers say " feed weekly and weakly ! "
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31st May 2009 3:07pm
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amanda says...
Thanks heaps Trikus - what I wouldn't give to know that secret recipe!! I'll have a go at those things. Feel free to share some of your rain with us over here in the West won't u?? ;)
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geraldton WA
31st May 2009 5:59pm
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arcobelina says...
when is the best time to pick the fruit? We have large fruit on the tree from last years flowering - and the tree has just started flowering again - the fruit are still green and havent got any yellow tinge in them at all

Anye clues on when to pick?
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Dicky Beach
17th October 2013 11:55am
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trikus says...
These very large fruits from a mate grown locally .. same flavour as the much smaller fruits I showed in first post .
Must be a bit soft when picked it seems.
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About the Author
5th November 2013 8:20am
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Anonymous says...
Trikus, not from the single big tree on the mangosteen farm? Not Peter S the other Peter? I cleaned up half the crop last year if it is. It looks like the common form of G.xanthochymus but a large fruiting sour form of G.dulcis has fruit looking much the same.
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5th November 2013 9:06am
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trikus says...
This tree is a bit further down the Gorge Rd from me .. prob' came from Trina .. you may be thinking of Big Bobs tree .. thought that was a bit sweeter ?
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5th November 2013 12:26pm
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Anonymous says...
Different tree Trikus. I can show pix tonight of that dulcis as well as giant xanthochymus.
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5th November 2013 4:39pm
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Mike Tr says...
Peter U's G.dulcis tree and his wife with G.dulcis.Big G.xanthochymus on the scales.
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Mike Tr
5th November 2013 5:55pm
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People who Like this Question Prab410
trikus says...
lost the knack Mike ?
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6th November 2013 9:57am
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Anonymous says...
Yes Trikus, the 3 pix did not come through and I will have another crack at it.
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6th November 2013 10:26am
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Mike Tr says...
Here is G.xanthochymus of the large fruiting form.
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Mike Tr
6th November 2013 6:10pm
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Mike Tr says...
This is G.dulcis.
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Mike Tr
6th November 2013 6:14pm
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Bangkok says...
This is my Garcinia Dulcis aka Maphut in Thailand.

Looks very different then yours Mike.

Mine has 3 stems grafted on it and had about 10 fruits but many more coming.

The vendor told me it's about 10 years old.

Mine has long thin drooping branches but i tied them up.

If the fruit is not nice i will graft achachairu onto it. It's very hard to find this fruit in Thailand, i wonder why. I've never been able to taste one.
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10th January 2016 4:37pm
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Original Post was last edited: 10th January 2016 4:40pm
Doug says...
My first flower. The tree is only 1.2m tall with eleven pairs of branches.
It survived 8 years in Melbourne, but seems to like the sub-tropics.
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3rd December 2017 10:12am
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Doug says...
Update. Tree hasn't grown much, but now has its twelfth pair of branches. Harvested 10 fruit from about 30 flowers in January and have 4 seedlings. They quickly get to about 100mm, then stagnate. One in a pot is 3 years old and still with just the 2 leaves. Just counted over 100 flowers, but the tree is so small I doubt it will hold more than 30 fruit through to next January.
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14th March 2020 1:30pm
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Prab410 says...
Hi Doug, Please show us your beautiful tree in flowers. Did it ever fruit in Melbourne? I live in Melb and love growing Garcinia. What is the best in your opinion that grows fastest in Melb?
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12th April 2020 1:55pm
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People who Like this Question Farouk
Farouk says...
Hi Prab, did you get a Garcinia xanthochymus?

Mine is looking beautiful but it’s stuck in time, it recovered after its first winter acclimation got back it’s leaves that it lost & it’s not moving it’s like when scientists explain the light coming from distant galaxies 😅
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13th January 2023 6:12am
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Digdug says...
This year's fruit set.
9 in one bunch and 4 singles.
Fingers crossed.
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20th March 2023 2:19pm
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