Fruit Trees




Native Trees & Shrubs


Grevillea Silky Oak

$1.90 ($1.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
Special Offer: Buy 16+ @$1.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Flame Tree - Grafted

$39.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

Australias most spectacular flowering rainforest tree with brilliant red flowers in mid spring. Superb shade tree and very hardy, will grow in most regions of Australia. Grafted trees will flower within 3 years and selected from a vibrant flowering selection.

Teak or Crows Ash

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A medium tree much sought after for its durable timber. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. The white flowers appear from Sept to Feb. The fruit is a woody, prickly capsule which opens into five segments releasing winged seed.
Aramex Free Freight

Firewheel Tree

$14.75 ($4.90-$16.90 choose a size)

This beautiful tree is planted all around the world but is naturally endemic to the rainforests of Qld and NSW. The name Wheel of Fire comes from the red flowers that resemble a flattened wheel. The timber is used for cabinetwork. To 30m
Aramex Free Freight

Cassowary Pine

$24.00 ($14.90-$49.00 choose a size)

This is a beautiful tree with large glossy leaves and stunning pendulous flowers. The flowers produce large quantities of nectar which attract lots of wildlife. Cassowary love feeding on the large fruits when in season. Also called the mango pine, this deciduous or semi-deciduous tree is found in New Guinea and Australia chiefly in coastal areas. The glossy leaves tend to be whorled at the ends of the branches, The fragrant white flowers are in long pendulous spikes and appear just prior to the new growth flush. Will grow as far south as subtropical Northern NSW.
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Fig - Emerald Standard

$17.90 ($17.90-$49.00 choose a size)

An ornamental shade tree. This is perfect as a potted specimen and can be maintained in containers for many years with regular root and tip pruning. An evergreen fig that can withstand hot sunny position and windy sites. Does not produce edible figs.

Golden Penda - Fairhill Gold


A spectacular flowering dwarf Golden Penda with trusses of bright golden yellow flowers in summer and autumn, highly attractive to birds. A great choice for a low growing hedge or screen, as the bronze new growth always looks beautiful. Grows to about 3-4m, making it perfect for small gardens, pots and containers.

Melaleuca - Pink Lace


A dense mounded shrub with small leaves and delicate pink curled bottlebrush flowers that are produced sporadically all year. The small leaf makes it useful as a low growing hedge. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. Great for shrubberies or as a pot. A hardy plant for most soil types, likes full sun, can also be grown in dappled shade. Drought and frost tolerant once established. Regular watering will encourage flowering.

Rough Barked Apple

$2.90 ($2.90-$3.90 choose a size)

A large spreading tree and resembles a rough-barked eucalypt. In summer mature plants are covered in fluffy cream flowers. Suitable for the larger town garden or rural property.
Special Offer: Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$3.90ea

Grass Tree

$34.00 ($4.90-$34.00 choose a size)

A stunning and unusual Australian native plant, the Grass Tree develops a black trunk with bright green foliage above. Grass Trees are a great asset to any garden giving a bold feature. Plant in a sunny well-drained position and do not disturb the original root-ball. They are very slow growing, on average approx 1cm per year.
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Kakadu Plum


Small yellow green plum-like fruits with very high Vitamin C content, can be eaten raw or cooked. Flavour is sour with an astringent aftertaste. Most parts of the tree are used as medicine by traditional custodians. It is a tall slender semi-deciduous tree to 10m with creamy flower spikes in early summer. Known for its olive-sized fruit which ripens in autumn. Traditionally used as a thirst quencher and snack. Widespread over the northern tropical woodlands. It also is used in the seafood industry to improve shelflife of prawns. Fruit also contains oxalic acid so consume in moderation.

Christmas Bush - Alberys Red


An outstanding form of NSW Christmas Bush, it has very bright red flowers just in time for Christmas, on a compact large shrub to small tree. The flowers are great for cutting for long lasting bunches for Christmas decoration. Prune about 30% off the plant, straight after flowering to encourage a more dense growth habit. A great feature plant and cut flower, growing to around 5 metres tall. It needs a good well drained sandy to loamy soil, in sun or dappled shade. Best in temperate to subtropical climates. Tolerates light frost.

Flame Tree x Lacebark Brachychiton

$46.95 ($46.95-$79.00 choose a size)

A hybrid grafted selection of a natural cross between the Flame Tree and Lacebark. Has characteristics of both parents. Spectacular flowering, hardy quick growing tree suited to a wide range of climates
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Tea Tree - Manuka

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

A spreading shrub 2m x 2m with small leathery leaves and white (rarely pink) flowers and grows in southeastern Australia and New Zealand. Suitable for growing in heavy shade this attractive shrub makes an ideal hedge or screen plant. It is also a must for backyard bee keepers as Manuka honey is regarded as healing honey.

Wollemi Pine


The Wollemi Pine or Dinosaur Treeis one of the worlds oldest and rarest surviving trees, it was known only from 90 million year old fossils until its rediscoveryin 1994 by David Noble in the Wollemi National Park.It is a member of the Araucariaceae family which include the Kauri Pine, Hoop Pine and the Bunya Pine. The Wollemi is unique from the other pines in many ways, including its coppicing habit andthe beautiful ferny appearance of the foliage. The intriguing chocolate coloured bark takes on a bubbly texture as the tree matures. Even more strange are the wax coatings which appear in the winter to protect the new growing tips, these are called the polar caps and are yet another unique feature of this amazing native Australian tree.Trees are surprising hardy and can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees Celsius as well as up to 45 degrees. This makes them a very versatile tree that can be grown in a variety of situations. They prefer slightly acidic soil with a PH of 5.5 to 6 which needsto bewell drained.Photos By J.Plaza

Tree Fern


This is a beautiful and hardy native Australian tree fern which is adaptable to many sites provided it has adequate moisture levels. It is fast growing with large lacy fronds and a slender trunk that is adorned with a pattern of oval scars where the old leaf bases are shed cleanly. It makes a very attractive garden plant where it will prefer a frost free moist position.

Grevillea Weeping Standard - Royal Mantle

$49.00 ($49.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Royal Mantle is a hardy ground cover that when grafted onto Grevillea robusta creating a delightful weeping standard. It has beautiful coppery red foliage and dark red toothbrush-type flowers that are borne terminally on short branchlets. The red styles have conspicuous yellow stigmas. (Nursery Pick up only, too tall to ship out.)

Giant Spear Lily


This rare native makes a striking feature plant with its large rosette and tall spikes of red flowers. They are drought hardy and require very little maintenance, other than to prune off spent flowerheads


$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

An excellent shade tree that is well suited to large gardens or parks. Established plants are hardy and tolerant of dry conditions but need protection from hot sun and frosts when young. It's rose-scented, red timber is durable and resistant to termites and excellent for carving and cabinet work.

Wattle - Cootamundra Purple

$4.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

Plum coloured ferny new foliage and yellow pompom flowered large shrub suited to inland Australia. Golden wattle flower display in late winter and spring Tolerant of dry conditions and very attractive. Can be cut back hard to keep it rounded. Has been known to naturalise in bushland.

Native Ginger - Wavy Leaf


Distinguished by glossy, dark green leaves with wavy margins. Pink flowers are followed by deep blue capsules with many seeds each with a thin pleasant tasting fleshy aril surrounding it. Attractive addition to native planting or food forest. Fresh pink rhizome is edible and the leaves are used to wrap food. Native to Queensland and NSW where it is an understorey plant of coastal wet schlerophyll and rainforests.

Flame on Bottle

$39.00 ($39.00-$89.00 choose a size)

Australia's most spectacular flowering rainforest tree with brilliant red flowers in mid spring. Superb shade tree and very hardy, will grow in most regions of Australia. Grafted onto bottle trees they form an interesting and appealing swollen trunk and will flower within 3 years and selected from a vibrant flowering selection.

Kurrajong - Desert


Bushfood plant producing seed used for roasting and baking damper, but also for its edible root. Attractive, lime green foliage and a rounded crown produces valuable shade in its hot arid environment. Adapted to the arid regions of WA, SA and the Northern Territory, it goes deciduous in the dry season of October to December, and can survive extended dry periods by dropping leaves whenever necessary. Small yellow flowers appear at this time. Water is stored in its roots surprisingly close to the surface and are relatively easy to dig as a food and water source. They are reported to taste like pear and have a coconut flesh-like consistency. The tree produces thick bark on its western facing trunk, enabling people to determine direction in a featureless landscape. Seed pods are ripe in summer and are smaller than other species of Brachychiton, but are still coated in the distinctive irritating hairs of the genus. These can be rubbed or lightly toasted off. Leaf shape varies in young plants, but mature leaves eventually are 3 lobed like the footprint of the emu. Can grow between 3-10m, as a bonsai, in temperate and tropical areas, in full sun or part shade as long as drainage is very good.

Hardenbergia - White


White flower form of the popular native vine, Hardenbergia. Use as a groundcover, to screen a fence, in native or cottage gardens. Great for bee forage, birds and butterflies. Hardy in poor, dry soils, and coastal areas too. Hardenbergia are nitrogen fixing plants

Lacebark Grafted - Brachychiton discolor


A semi evergreen native tree with a striking summer display of pink bell shaped flowers that hang in clusters at the end of branches. Hardy quick growing tree which will withstand frosts and drought when established.

Norfolk Island Pine

$12.90 ($12.90-$14.75 choose a size)

Endemic to Norfolk Island this attractive tree is commonly seen as a striking landscaping plant around the coast of Australia. Its symmetrical shape makes it very distinctive. Grows to 50m. The cones take 18 months to mature and will disintegrate when mature to release the nut-like edible seeds. Young trees are frost sensitive but make great indoor plants where they can be kept over winter.

Native Guava

$2.95 ($2.95-$9.90 choose a size)

A small dense shrub, with white/pink flowers appearing in clusters in Spring or Summer. The leaves have a sweet, fruity smell when crushed and are unusually glossy below. Fast-growing and hardy in most conditions. Tolerate light frosts. Unfortunately, since the appearance of Myrtle Rust disease in Australia, Native Guava is now a functionally extinct species

Dwarf Crepe Myrtle - Little Chief


A beautiful, rounded shrub which produces a mass display of pink, white or light purple flowers in dense panicles. Autumn leaf colours are also pleasing to the eye.Well suited to containers, hedges or as a bedding plant. Adaptable to a range of conditions, but is best in moist, well drained, slightly acidic soils in a position receiving full sun. Moderate drought and heat tolerant. Suitable for hot, sunny climates.

Brachychiton Belladonna


This grafted Brachychiton hybrid between a Flame tree and Kurrajong has masses of weeping delicate pink bell flowers covering the tree thoughout summer. Very hardy excellent specimen tree.

Callistemon Burgundy


A dense, evergreen shrub to a height of 3m. The new tip growth is pink and densely covered with silky hairs. The bottle brushes are very dark red fading to deep purple/violet with age.

Cycad - Moores

$29.00 ($19.75-$29.00 choose a size)

Native to central QLD it its renowned for its large rounded "date palm" like crown of gracefully curved, dark bluish green leaves. It also makes an excellent specimen for large containers or tubs. Prefers well drained soil


$4.90 ($4.90-$12.90 choose a size)

Coachwood is one of the very few rainforest species that flourishes in the gullies of Sydney bushland. The trees are very distinctive, tall, with dark green, glossy leaves, mottled grey and white bark and flowers with white petal-like sepals that later turn pink. Coachwood grows in coastal rainforests of NSW and QLD. As the name suggests, Coachwood was used in early days for coach building but it has a multitude of other applications. The timber is used extensively for decorative work and also for flooring, furniture and boat masts. Seating in the High Court of Australia in Canberra was manufactured from timber cut from the rainforests west of Wauchope on the NSW north coast. It is said that the freshly sawn timber has a fragrance not unlike caramel. If you have room, consider planting a Coachwood in your garden. Unlike eucalypts, they dont drop leaves, are reasonably slow growing and will provide you with lovely dark green foliage. Coachwoods provide suitable roosting sites for Powerful Owls, and parrots eat the mature seeds. Coachwood make an ideal Cabinet Timber Rainforest planting. They grow naturally together and are a perfect long term investment for a cabinet timber plantation. Problem will be that you may never want to cut them down as they make a beautiful single species Rainforest stand. Some superb stands of Coachwood can be seen up in the Washpool National Park between Grafton and Glenn Innes.

Leptospermum - Lemon Hedge


In summer this native shrub is covered in a profusion of white flowers and the leaves have a delicate lemon scent. Makes a great hedge as it responds very well to pruning.

Grevillea - White Oak

$12.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A rainforest tree to 8m The tree is covered in creamy cylindrical flower spikes in late spring. Large glossy green leaves divided when young. Underside is gold changing to a silvery grey. Attractive all year round.

Lomandra - Little Pal


A perennial native clumping grass with bright green foliage that is hardy and attractive. Great for mass plantings, it is coastal, frost and drought tolerant.

Glossy Laurel

$9.90 ($3.95-$9.90 choose a size)

A highly ornamental tree with dark, glossy foliage and bunches of small, yellow flowers followed by striking bright-red fruit. A native rainforest shrub appearing in subtropical rainforests north of Lismore.



A very bushy tree ideal for use in a windbreak. The tree grows along well in wet areas but needs a well drained soil. The smallish black fruits matures from December to July and are bird attracting.

Misc 140mm



Grevillea Silky Oak

$1.90 ($1.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
Special Offer: Buy 16+ @$1.90ea usually:$4.90ea


$9.95 ($4.90-$18.90 choose a size)

Fast growing tall tree with large leaves and up-turned branches. Hardy in most conditions but prefers plenty of moisture. One of the best pioneer trees. A butterfly attracting tree.
Special Offer: Buy 4+ @$9.95ea usually:$18.90ea Aramex Free Freight

Teak or Crows Ash

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A medium tree much sought after for its durable timber. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. The white flowers appear from Sept to Feb. The fruit is a woody, prickly capsule which opens into five segments releasing winged seed.
Aramex Free Freight

Firewheel Tree

$14.75 ($4.90-$16.90 choose a size)

This beautiful tree is planted all around the world but is naturally endemic to the rainforests of Qld and NSW. The name Wheel of Fire comes from the red flowers that resemble a flattened wheel. The timber is used for cabinetwork. To 30m
Aramex Free Freight

Flame Tree - Grafted

$39.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

Australias most spectacular flowering rainforest tree with brilliant red flowers in mid spring. Superb shade tree and very hardy, will grow in most regions of Australia. Grafted trees will flower within 3 years and selected from a vibrant flowering selection.

Cassowary Pine

$24.00 ($14.90-$49.00 choose a size)

This is a beautiful tree with large glossy leaves and stunning pendulous flowers. The flowers produce large quantities of nectar which attract lots of wildlife. Cassowary love feeding on the large fruits when in season. Also called the mango pine, this deciduous or semi-deciduous tree is found in New Guinea and Australia chiefly in coastal areas. The glossy leaves tend to be whorled at the ends of the branches, The fragrant white flowers are in long pendulous spikes and appear just prior to the new growth flush. Will grow as far south as subtropical Northern NSW.
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Fig - Emerald Standard

$17.90 ($17.90-$49.00 choose a size)

An ornamental shade tree. This is perfect as a potted specimen and can be maintained in containers for many years with regular root and tip pruning. An evergreen fig that can withstand hot sunny position and windy sites. Does not produce edible figs.

Bottle Tree

$4.90 ($4.90-$59.00 choose a size)

Narrow Leaf Bottle Tree has a swollen bottle like trunk. The insignificant flowers followed by small interesting boat like pods. A very attractive specimen tree or useful indoor plant. This is the QLD bottle tree and is very similar in the way it looks to the Boab Tree also nicknamed bottle tree from Western Australia however they are a different family of plants. You can even try growing them in pots but the pot would need to be very large.

Golden Penda - Fairhill Gold


A spectacular flowering dwarf Golden Penda with trusses of bright golden yellow flowers in summer and autumn, highly attractive to birds. A great choice for a low growing hedge or screen, as the bronze new growth always looks beautiful. Grows to about 3-4m, making it perfect for small gardens, pots and containers.

Melaleuca - Pink Lace


A dense mounded shrub with small leaves and delicate pink curled bottlebrush flowers that are produced sporadically all year. The small leaf makes it useful as a low growing hedge. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. Great for shrubberies or as a pot. A hardy plant for most soil types, likes full sun, can also be grown in dappled shade. Drought and frost tolerant once established. Regular watering will encourage flowering.

Natives Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

Christine Steel
18y ago

East Maitland, NSW, Australia


Callistamon dwarf white or pink

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