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Gardening Australia

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symiot starts with ...
Just a heads up re Gardening Australia this week. It will have feature on John Picone who grows tropical fruit in Byron Bay. I know Daley's sometimes sells a fig sourced from him named 'Picone'. I guess they don't know the true cultivar so it carries his name. Should be interesting though.
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2nd August 2014 1:48pm
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Original Post was last edited: 2nd August 2014 1:48pm
TMary says...
Thanks Symiot; I have the picone fig; will watch with interest.
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Neutral Bay NSW
2nd August 2014 2:10pm
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Carl76 says...
how would you rate that fig variety to the others you have ?
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Wilston 4051
2nd August 2014 2:29pm
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MaryT1 says...
Carl76 my Picone only fruited once and sparsely; the taste is ordinary - first fruits are a bit like that though so l may be able to judge better if it fruits again. So far Black Genoa is best, White Adriatic a bit hit and miss, Brown Turkey is ok, Picone and Preston Prolific ordinary, still waiting for others to fruit (newly acquired). Mind you they may behave quite differently in other people's gardens :)
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2nd August 2014 3:28pm
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Carl76 says...
Thanks Mary.
I've got the others ones as well, and in pots as well.
What's your secret to a good pot mix ?
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Wilston 4051
2nd August 2014 6:52pm
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TMary says...
No secrets; just a premium mix from Bunnings. I do give them pond water and worm juice regularly and fertilisers a couple of times a year. I also mulch the top of pots.
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Neutral Bay NSW
2nd August 2014 7:18pm
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Carl76 says...
Thanks Mary
It seems I just need to give them time, early years yet.
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Wilston 4051
2nd August 2014 8:41pm
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The poster formerly known as... says...
Interesting to see his rollinia. The fruit were held on 4 foot long stems, so surely that's a different species from the common type? I wonder if that's the one Daleys now graft?
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2nd August 2014 9:28pm
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MaryT1 says...
Yes, The poster formerly known as,,,,(next time this website makes me change my name I will create an even longer one than yours) - rollinia - a fruit that tastes like caramel - yum. Must ask Daleys about theirs. Did you see Costa eat a snottiegobble? Hey SG we now know what you're named after :)
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3rd August 2014 5:56am
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sternus1 says...
Rollinia doesn't have any caramel taste at all, really. Abiu does.

Have to eat Rollinia before peak ripeness in my experience, otherwise you get snot fruit.
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3rd August 2014 7:48am
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srt says...
Picconi had fruit fly netting totally enclosing most of the orchard-expensive!. He must get a decent return on his fruit. Funnily, his trees were spaced a long way apart.
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4th August 2014 9:53am
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The poster formerly known as... says...
Mary, the canistel was the one Jerry remarked tasted like 'caramel' or Picone noted it tasted like 'Butterscotch'. I think its the Lyndall variety that Daley's sell, which is reportedly much moister than the dry cheesecakey ones more common.
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4th August 2014 11:15am
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Brain says...
That dude in GA is my idol. I want the same netting and set up. Only question is, how does he get the polination if the insects are excluded?
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4th August 2014 12:55pm
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Original Post was last edited: 4th August 2014 12:55pm
Grant says...
I belive he keeps native bees inside the enclosure.
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Lennox Head
4th August 2014 1:13pm
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srt says...
I got the impression that someone did not do their homework; they were tossing around the words black,yellow,white sapote as if they thought they were related; even Picoonne seemed not to have a handle on it.
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4th August 2014 5:59pm
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MaryT1 says...
I think GA segments can be divided into those that inform and instruct - usually presented by the horticultural savvy presenters; public spaces such as parks, community gardens, verges etc. that involve the community at large; and last, what people are doing in their front/backyard. Sometimes the purposes cross over but usually people in their backyards just do what they do; they don't have to know anything or show that they do, except that they have some success despite their sometimes limited knowledge.

When Costa came to my garden he'd never seen it before (a researcher had checked it out) and I had no idea what he was going to ask. There were a hundred things that afterwards I wished they'd taken an interest in but there was never going to be enough time outside of speaking of a few things that had visual appeal (it's TV) at the time.

Please be kind if I look as if I didn't 'have a handle on it' - just be happy to visit me and my garden.

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5th August 2014 8:56am
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srt says...
Costa's schtick is a exaggerated , bubbly enthusiasm which, even if genuine, is somewhat tiresome. It's a show ABOUT GARDENING . Any way you look at it it cannot be orgiastic.
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5th August 2014 9:45am
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People who Like this Question Boris Spasky
sternus1 says...
Yrt you really are a ridiculous human being.

Why do you even care about any of this?

*shakes head*
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5th August 2014 10:46am
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Carl76 says...
Mary , you'll do fine.
My guess is picone got video edited,
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Wilston 4051
5th August 2014 11:57am
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For eddy says...
Sternus,you are not the moderator here. Keep your foulness in check!
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For eddy
5th August 2014 1:55pm
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srt says...
Not the moderator ,just immoderate.If loud and opinionated were virtue he'd be a saint.
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5th August 2014 2:59pm
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sternus1 says...
Oh look--Yrt brought in one of his boyfriends from the birdwatching club. Or is it book club?

I'm sorry to hear that you're overstimulated by costa and find his persona orgiastic. Considering this I cannot possibly imagine how aroused you must become during those moments when you're refrigerating snakes.I'm picturing a collision of yoghurt trucks. Or perhaps it is just one snake, the noun being employed as euphemism.

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5th August 2014 3:32pm
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srt says...
Vile and pretentious-- a closet cockroach kept in check by social norms finds his metier on line.
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5th August 2014 3:43pm
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sternus1 says...
That's quite a good jacket cover synopsis for a penny dreadful, really--though you might have sounded educated if you'd had exchanged 'norms' for 'mores'.

Oh I should have been a set of ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of silent seas....

Toorah--must buff up the human skull I sip pinot noir from, pay the live-in hermit and hedge the Ha-ha.

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5th August 2014 4:10pm
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symiot says...
Costa's enthusiasm is genuine and natural. Yes, it is a show about gardening, that's why so many watch it. Maybe we should reincarnate Allan Seale for you; he was as bubbly as a dry leaf.
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5th August 2014 5:29pm
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Original Post was last edited: 5th August 2014 5:29pm
jakfruit etiquette says...
I'm starting a petition to have Dr Paul Recher and Costa back together on the same show, preferably in between Songs of Praise and Compass,then re run episodes of Monkey Magic just to restore some balance to the Universe, ( ok well MY UNIVERSE ).
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jakfruit etiquette
6th August 2014 9:01am
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srt says...
The ABC decided to 'Jump the Shark' by hiring a really outre dude like Costa. Producers fear an aging demographic --hence the unspeakable Costa.
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6th August 2014 10:23am
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2 says...
Well I like Costa and I think it was a good change for ABC gardening.
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6th August 2014 11:11am
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A.C says...
The "Jump the Shark" attitude displayed by the ABC shows how more foresight they have along with SBS in taking well calculated and planned risks in their programme styles to attract target viewer audiences.These two networks currently "have the wood" over free to air channels.My interest in gardening only came because of Peter Cundalls enthusiasm on the GA ,he really did try to empower people to get out there and give it a go and remember GA has always had a "how to grow" element which is a extremely important.Costa has some big shoes to fill,I think he's doing well.
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6th August 2014 11:56am
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Brain says...
I have to say costa is an interesting choice, considering he is a little bit out there for the conservatives. I have seen a few costa's gardening odyssey shows, so i have a fair idea what he's like. And have came around to his escentric ways.

I think the fundamental issue is, the show has changed since peter cundall has left and the show isnt the same without him, no matter how hard the current producers and presenters try. Its not a good or bad different, just a different show now and the long time viewers are still finding it hard to adjust.
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6th August 2014 1:02pm
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srt says...
The ABC is in a perpetual dilemma --should we chase ratings or go for quality. It's nearly always a choice . This time they chose ratings and turned GA into another lifestyle show. Lifestyle shows need a signature 'personality' and who better than some instantly recognizable dude like Costa.
Trouble is I(perhaps others) don't relate to people who adopt outlandish artifices like Costa . Beard growing comps were popular in last year of high school. I have moved on.
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6th August 2014 2:17pm
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Boris Spasky says...
There's only one Peter Cundall.
{chanted to the song 'Guantanamera'}
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Boris Spasky

6th August 2014 2:17pm
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Grant says...
Anyone in the Northern Rivers area interested in a visit to John Picone's place? I have been wanting to go and have a look for a while, but need a minimum group of 10 paying folks. Last time i enquired it was $25/ head and i think that included a taste of what ever is in season.
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Lennox Head
6th August 2014 2:27pm
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sternus1 says...
That is ridiculous money considering he doesn't have anything impressive whatsoever--black sapotes, canistel and rollinia? An opuntia cactus? Puh--leeze.

Everything he has you can buy through bunnings or daleys. No thanks.

There's no way I'd pay 25$ for that! What does that money buy apart from the tour?
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6th August 2014 2:43pm
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The poster formerly known as... says...
Costa can be a bit overbearing, but he has lots of energy which has drawn many new folks to the program in the same way that a few former presenters who had charisma did. Someone has to balance out John Patrick. Lots of young suburban gardeners now watch the show, and although it was a bit pop for a few months, it has started to find a decent balance again.

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6th August 2014 2:45pm
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The poster formerly known as... says...
Its still a long way off the glorified infomercials the other stations have (Better Homes and Gardens, Garden Gurus etc)
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6th August 2014 2:52pm
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Diego says...
I agree with this last statement. Let's not pick on Aunty too much. We don't want to be at the mercy of the dumbing-down commercial stations.
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6th August 2014 4:44pm
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VF says...
Agree, at least GA remains all about gardening. Would like to see a little more about sub-tropicalgardening. :)

I think a tour of Picone's set up would be alright. Most people would have their eyes opened to the diversity of fruit that you don't experience at a supermarket, plus the bonus of tastings, AND picking the brains of the guy who seems to have a little knowledge on growing successfully (even if you have the Bunnies plants ;).)
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6th August 2014 10:09pm
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Diana says...
I miss Neonie Norrington's segments
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6th August 2014 11:04pm
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sternus1 says...
John Picone isn't a taxonomist and has no formal training at all. Basically he just gets seeds, grows plants and calls them 'picone'. That's literally his process. He hasn't actually developed anything at all.

He has done this with a fig, too. Basically just found an unknown type and named it after himself. What a power of intellect this guy is. Maybe I should start doing that with all the unnamed varieties I have. Just plant a flag with my face on it in everything.

Compare this to bernice at red fox who has spent years developing some incredibly good (world class, really)dragonfruit varieties, including one that is unlike anything else in the world, to put it into perspective.

Pretty much anybody can grow canistel, sapote, and pepper if they are on good soil and have the right weather. Literally anybody can grow rollinia in the subtropics, it's one of the toughest annonas out.

His setup is fantastic, great exclusion orchard on a great block, but 25$ to taste bad dragonfruit cv's and average everything else is too rich for my taste.
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7th August 2014 6:15am
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The poster formerly known as... says...
Actually, Picone does not propagate or distribute plants. Daley's does that. They've tasted thousands of tropical and sub tropical fruit and have found some of Picone's to be worth distributing. In distributing they need a name and so the name Picone or Lyndall sticks as a selection name. Again, John Picone has only supplied budwood and has not at any stage claimed to be a taxonomist, breeder, geneticist or similar. You are making undue projections onto him based on your own assumptions of who should distribute plants. Then engaging in a character assassination based on something you seem to have a fairly loose grip on. Nearly all of the selections we have today in the tropics and sub tropics are near natural selections, not the result of breeding programs. Lets just burn them all for your sake?

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7th August 2014 10:16am
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sternus1 says...
Take a chill pill Bruce and quit the picone nuthugging--I never said the plants should be burned, I'm saying that he doesn't have anything particularly impressive, which is something you also know to be true, and that I'm not willing to pay 25$ to take a tour of common tropical fruit CV's. Well perhaps not common, but common in comparison to people who collect them.

And yes--I don't keep anything that tastes like shit, if that's what you mean by 'natural selections'. I can promise you the 40 plus unique dragonfruit cv's I have are man made. I grow those right here in the subs, as well as figs, zills mangoes, bayberries, and seedless lychees to name a few.

So no--not even close what is around in the sub tropics is near natural. Maybe whatever you have is, anyway. Feel free to eat like a jungle tapir as much as you like, but sorry--I only keep things that are good. You should know this, I've sent you something good before, which is more than you've ever sent me, which is doodley squat.I happen to know that You also never payed back Sheehan for those Zills he sent you, so taking handouts seems to be your MO.To put this into perspective, you will not find one person I have not either payed back, or simply gifted something anywhere on this forum or TFF.

So by all means, go and suck ass over tea milk and arrowroot biscuits with triple-chinned geriatrics in your ridiculous fruit clubs or whatever it is you're involved with, in order to acquire species which shouldn't be eaten by anything else but wild animals, and I'll get on with the business of getting the best cv's of what it is I'm into.I've got to say, business is booming.

I'll clue you in on something; nature doesn't know you exist, and didn't develop fruit with the human palette in mind. Something to think about.
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7th August 2014 12:20pm
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Original Post was last edited: 7th August 2014 12:11pm
The poster formerly known as... says...
Of course nature doesn't know I exist. No abstract construct can possibly know I, or anything else, exists. But thanks for cluing me in all the same.

No nuthugging, just thought your comments were as on the mark as a John Howard spinner. Making non-sense claims as to what John Picone is doing. He has a good collection of things that are mostly well out of their comfort zone and an exceptional set-up. Its a working farm, which he opens by appointments for a price similar to comparable operations. Fair enough if you don't want to visit. I reckon it would be worth visiting to see what he grows and how he has his orchard set up, as well as test the selections named for him that are now being sold. What he has may not be as extensive as a few other new collections in particular, but he is fruiting things that have no good reason fruiting at his place and he manages his orchard exceptionally, so it could be worth visiting for management tips alone.

And I'm happy for you to have such a fantastic collection of varieties here. One day you might be able to charge $26 ;P
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7th August 2014 12:31pm
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The poster formerly known as... says...
I sent you budwood of an atemoya you asked for out of season for whatever it was you sent. That's the sort of impatient prick you are. Im happy to have nothing to do with your type of illegal importing horticultural vandalism. Been in the game a year and know every thing already I see.

It's great that you think so highly of yourself. I've gifted many hundreds of things via the internet and to real people who exist in real life. But I applaud your amazing efforts all the same. Must feel great to be so high on love for one's self.
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7th August 2014 12:37pm
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sternus1 says...
'hortucltural vandalism' Ha ha! You've coined phrase Bruce. Quite good, really. I'm deeply hurt by such slander. So patently untrue.

Oh yes, the atemoya cuttings. I hope your package is bigger than those and less withered--and you only sent them because I outed you about not sending me anything, otherwise you wouldn't have sent anything at all. Again, you never payed back sheehan for what he sent you--well done, way to represent this side of the pond.

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7th August 2014 1:10pm
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srt says...
Oh, God. Sternus sounds like some old ruminative crone who remembers every slight and mis-step; fancies himself as a satirist and wordsmith. Now, in winter, Sternus has more time because there are no flies to pull the wings off.
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7th August 2014 2:32pm
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sternus1 says...
Plenty of puppies to drown at christmas though.
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7th August 2014 3:22pm
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The poster formerly known as... says...
Exactly as I said, I would send it to you when it was ready. Since you were acting like an impatient toddler I sent them to you then, well out of season, so I could nullify the debt and cut any and all ties with you.

If Im trading seed with someone they generally understand that the minute they send something in return for something they want, they'd be patient enough to allow for whatever they want to be ready, not for me to pluck some quarter sized fruit off the plant to get back to them immediately. But in your case, I was happy just to be rid of you to be completely honest.

As for Sheehan, I'll get in contact with him now. I cant remember what I received from him, but will gladly give him whatever he wants. Still, would be nice if people simply emailed/messaged rather than bitched behind your back or told outright lies about you on an interweb message board - how classy.
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7th August 2014 3:49pm
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sternus1 says...
Who's bitching behind your back? It came up that sheehan sent you a seeds and you never fullfilled your part of that transaction. You ripped somebody off. It is what it is. Sheehan isn't making a big deal of it. I am.

I don't mind if we ever trade again, frankly there's nothing you have that I want and chances are if there was, whatever came back to me would be of the same calibre of garbage that you sent me the last time. I've seen dehydrated spaghetti more viable.

At least man up and pay your debt.
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7th August 2014 4:52pm
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Original Post was last edited: 7th August 2014 4:52pm
sternus1 says...
I'll agree to leave it here, Mary.
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7th August 2014 6:35pm
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MaryT1 says...
Thank you, sternus1.
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7th August 2014 6:45pm
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symiot says...
Mary, are you on this week?
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7th August 2014 7:04pm
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MaryT1 says...
23 August, symiot but should be on iview if you miss it.
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7th August 2014 7:10pm
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MaryT1 says...
Thanks, Carl76 - the other thing I do with the figs is to prune them to shape. I took off quite a lot so I hope that I have not been too severe. :)
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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8th August 2014 8:47am
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Carl76 says...
Dont think you can ever prune figs too hard, they always bounce back.
That's what I like about them , me proof.
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Wilston 4051
8th August 2014 9:25am
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symiot says...
Figs do very well when pruned and always bounce back. It only reduces the breba crop if you have a variety that fruits twice in a season.
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8th August 2014 10:59am
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MaryT1 says...
I don't like the breba fruit anyway...just hope they'll do well again this year. Last year the two trees gave me more than a hundred fruit.
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8th August 2014 5:16pm
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Jason says...
Breba fruit I've decided is a waste of time, they never ripen anyway. May as well be cardboard.
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8th August 2014 5:37pm
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srt says...
Not so; Preston Prolific has good Breba.
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8th August 2014 5:43pm
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MaryT1 says...
Hope to get fruit from PP this year.
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8th August 2014 5:46pm
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Markmelb says...
Mary -
I didnt notice your segment on next weeks show in the whats on next week - I was expecting a different description i guess of a plant collector - did you see last few minutes of this weekends show?
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17th August 2014 2:26pm
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MaryT1 says...
Markmelb I wish I never told anyone about it :) Yes I watched GA last night and no they did not mention me. Perhaps they only mention the better/longer/important stories :) Definitely not worth worrying about. They wouldn't call me a plant collector 'cause I'm just another backyard (front yard actually) fruit tree grower whose only distinction is having a lot of trees in a tiny space :) For me it was fun having Costa and his team come calling; whether they liked the footage they took and how they will tell about it is up to them; they might have scraped it for all I know. :)
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17th August 2014 2:35pm
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symiot says...
They don't cover all next week's stories in the teaser.
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17th August 2014 2:37pm
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Markmelb says...
I hope not Mary - im looking forward to it - sounds like my place - LOL - im starting to plant trees in Lawn now as i see lawn now is wasted space - ive spoken to Vasilis and hes interested but dont know what to feed him apart from chillies - he lurves chillies - my garden is on the Gardenworld blog if anyone want to check out http://gardenworld.com.au/blog/
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17th August 2014 2:51pm
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Original Post was last edited: 17th August 2014 2:49pm
MaryT1 says...
Hey that's impressive Mark; remarkable since you're in Melbourne. SO HAPPY to hear that you've utilising lawn space. My place had a tiny lawn; the first thing I did was to cover it with cardboard and dumped compost on it. No more lawn :)
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17th August 2014 3:20pm
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Julie W says...
Wow Mark, all your plants look so healthy! Good work.
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Roleystone WA
17th August 2014 7:00pm
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Markmelb says...
My area here used to be Apple,Peach and Apricot orchards so the soil is no problem for them - my neighbour across rd (in 80s) Dad had a few acres opposite me and her apple trees keep the local possums fed and away from my place - I hope she goes over 100 as I hate the development around here of 2 to 3 houses on a block - I dont mind owner occupied but renters dont give a hoot about the place theyre in - oh well is this progress - never know your neighbours anymore
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17th August 2014 7:07pm
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MaryT1 says...
People have busy lives; home seems to be the place they spend least waking hours in. Kids go to care after school as both parents work. Few people have time for gardening though GA's still going after 25 years.
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18th August 2014 3:45am
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VF says...
I missed the GA episode featuring MaryT's garden, so was pleased to see that the segment is on YouTube, and Daley's features it in their September news link.

Lovely to see you and your garden Mary.☺
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12th September 2014 3:14am
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TMary says...
Thanks VF - the episode is still on GA's website I think; they call it 'A Miniature Orchard'. I didn't know it was on YouTube .
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Neutral Bay NSW
12th September 2014 5:19am
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Original Post was last edited: 12th September 2014 5:20am
VF says...
You're everywhere now Mary! 😊
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15th September 2014 9:27pm
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