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August 2010

The Daley News


Table of Contents

- Spring - Nursery News

- Competition - Yearly Subscription to the Organic Gardener

- PayPal - Options for payment through Daleys Nursery

- Comments on Plants - Thinking of buying a certain variety some now have comments from those growing them.

- Blooming Beautiful - Fruit trees flowering right now.


BlossomWinter is over for those of us living in the subtropics; spring is blossoming and delighting us with a burst of flowers and the thought of all the juicy stone fruits to follow.  I was watching and listening to the bees buzzing around my nectarine blossoms the other day as I looked closer I was thrilled to see lots of tiny native bees hard at work collecting pollen from the flowers, a small and delightful visitor to my home orchard.  

 New Poly House

New Poy HouseThe twins have spent the quieter month constructing a couple of new poly houses.  The first one was constructed in the retail section to protect our more sensitive stock from the chill of winter.  The twins then moved on to a major poly house construction that joins the potting shed to the propagation department.  Now that spring is in the air we are flat out filling it up with new stock.

Organic Gardening Magazine Competition

Organic Gardener Essential Guide to Fruit

1st Prize: Yearly Subscription to the Organic Gardener Magazine
2nd Prize: Copy of the Organic Gardeners Essential Guide to Fruit

To Enter Share one or more Edible Plant you are growing.


* Drawn 15th Sept 2010, 1 Entry for sharing information about 1 or more plants, 2 Entries for including a picture. Winner is drawn randomly from all entrants.

Organic Gardener - Essential Guide to Fruit

Organic Gardener Essential Guide to FruitIt is all about growing fruit organically, whether in an inner-city courtyard or a rural orchard. Packed with inspiration and practical information, this 122-page book-quality magazine combines new features with the bestOrganic Gardener fruit stories published over the past 11 years. The guide has been written by some of Australia best-loved gardening writers, including Peter Cundall, Annette McFarlane, Jerry Coleby-Williams and Phil Dudman. Between them, they offer advice on everything from planning an orchard to pruning; and tackling pests to preserving. Illustrated with beautiful photographs, Essential Guide: Fruit also offers detailed growing advice for popular fruits from avocados to strawberries. It is on sale now from newsagents, ABC shops, centres and online at for $9.95.


Comments on Plants

When you search for a plant  You will notice that some have have comments from people who are growing them. Try it for yourself

Comments on Plants


We now offer you the ability to pay using paypal. Many people prefer this method as they can login to their paypal account rater then inputting their credit card number.


Blooming Beautiful

Plum BlossomWe have been busy pruning the deciduous trees in the orchard, collecting scion wood and preparing for the springtime grafting.  The trees are so pretty at the moment with all the pink blossoms of the peaches and nectarines and the bright white blossoms that smother the plum trees, the blossom show does not last for long but it can be fully appreciated on a bright blue day such as today.  I set our fruit fly traps at the beginning of August, the earliest of our peaches are already forming and it is important to start the fruit fly control program early in the season, I will monitor these traps weekly from now on to keep track of the numbers of fruit flies that are moving in the orchard.

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