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December 2012

The Daley News

What Gives you a Bumper PawPaw Crop? + Free Christmas Gift Vouchers. 

Just a timely reminder that right now is ideal to get fruit trees delivered to your door in time for Christmas (Excludes WA&NT)

PawPaw - Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Bumper PawPaw Crop (Buy 1 Get 1 FREE)

Video: Pawpaws, Which Flower is Male and FemaleMany people grow pawpaws from seed and get their hopes up only to find they get no fruit or the taste is bad. It is because you need two plants a male and female. Identifying the gender of the flowers requires a keen eye ( watch video ). Lets assume you are lucky and grow Male and Female plants, you still only get fruit on the Female and not the Male plant. There is a solution, which is to purchase Bisexual PawPaws. By Purchasing this pack of 2 Bisexual PawPaws the odds are that both your PawPaws will produce a Bumper crop and taste great. (Maths: bisexual x bisexual = 1 female + 2 bisexual)

Gift Vouchers (Christmas Only Specials)

$100 Voucher to Give, $20 Voucher for youOption 1: By Australia Post: We Handwrite your personal message and include a FREE Comprehensive Guide to Fruit Trees Catalogue ( Order Now ) (You choose the value of the voucher)

Option 2: Sent Instantly by Email: $100 Christmas Voucher plus a FREE $20 voucher for you (Order Now)

Christmas Gift VouchersOption 3: Sent Instantly by Email $100 Voucher for $90, $50 Voucher for $45 (Order Now)

Annette McFarlaneOrganic Fruit Growing - Annette McFarlaneBook: Organic Fruit Growing

We know that if you read Annette's book this Christmas you are going to get excited about fruit trees. Our staff enjoy listening to her weekly radio program so we all highly recommend her new book.

Instructions to get 25% Off: Click Add to Cart then in the box that says Offer enter "ORGFRUIT"

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