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May 2014

The Daley News

Gardening Jobs for Winter

1. Planting New Trees

Winter is the ideal time to plant all deciduous trees. Now is the time to prepare your planting holes to be ready to plant in July. We still have a great selection of Bare Root Trees available which we will be dispatching in early July. Take advantage of our great freight offer where you get 50% off the freight costs but only if you Pre-Order from our Bare Root Fruit Tree Catalogue
Bare Root Fruit Tree Offer

2. Citrus Trees in Winter

Also great time to plant Citrus and other Subtropical Fruit Trees, especially in warmer climates. We have a great offer on Buy 3 Get 1 FREE Citrus offer
Citrus Offer

3. Pruning Fruit Trees - Sets you up for the Year

We are coming up to Pruning time. Once your trees are fully deciduous in June or July the best thing you can do for your deciduous trees, is give them a prune, mulch and fertilizer. This is probably the most important thing you will do to your fruit trees to ensure they are productive in the coming year. Its a cool time of year, so make time on your gardening calender to get this job done before they break bud in August and September. Pruning isn't as difficult a task as one may imagine.  Don't be afraid just do it. You will make more mistakes by not doing any pruning at all, so get your secateurs and get out in the orchard and have fun.
Here are some good links to pruning to get you started.

New Fruit Tree Videos

Madrono (Arbutus) Fruit Tree - Great in Australia

Grafted Jackfruit Tree - Growing in Cold Climates ( Brinsmead variety )

Atherton Raspberry Vine - Growing Guide

Grafted Loquat Trees - Nagasakiwase is Best Japanese Variety

Just some of the fruit trees in our Bare Root Catalogue

Black currant muradukblog
$14.90 Currant - Black
Gooseberry Captivator Compliments of rhs
$14.90 Gooseberry - Captivator
Boysenberry Compliments of Aus Gardener
$12.90 Berry - Boysenberry

$9.90 Raspberry - Heritage
Granny Smith compliments of Bliss and Gesso
$29.00 Apple - Granny Smith
Cherry Sunburst Compliments of Van Meuwen
$34.00 Cherry - Sunburst
Persimmon Nightingale
$69.00 Persimmon - Nightingale (A)
Plumcot Spring satin label
$39.00 Plumcott - Spring Satin
$29.00 Quince - Smyrna
Chestnut April Gold Compliments of Yalca Fruit Trees
$49.00 Chestnut - April Gold
chestnuts in burr
$44.00 Chestnut - Buffalo Queen
Chestnut Marone Compliments of Yalca Fruit Trees
$49.00 Chestnut - Marone
Mulberry White Shahtoot
$29.00 Mulberry - White Shahtoot (BR)
Almond Self pollinating Propagated by JFT
$34.00 Almond - Self Pollinating Papershell
Delicous Black Muscats
$12.90 Grape - Black Muscat (Fruits Midway)
Apple Pinkabelle Compliments of Plantnet
$39.00 Dwarf Apple - Pinkabelle
Apricot Moorepark Compliments of Gardeners Market
$34.00 Apricot - Moorepark
Plum Green gage fruit
$39.00 Plum - Green gage
Blackberry Thornless Chester compliments of Bloomiq
$14.90 Blackberry - Thornless Chester
Apple pink lady compliments of farming unlocked
$34.00 Dwarf Apple - Red Delicious
Apple red fuji compliments of the Good Fruit Guide
$34.00 Dwarf Apple - Red Fuji
Angel Peach
$39.90 Peach - Angel High Chill
Nashi Ya Li label
$29.00 Nashi - Yali Pear
Dwarf Valley Red Label
$39.00 Dwarf Peach - Valley Red
Grape Autumn Royal compliments of JN Nutrition
$12.90 Grape - Autumn Royal
Courtesy Summit Almonds
$69.00 Walnut - Tulare
Apricot Stories moorepark label
$34.00 Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorepark)
Red Currant compliments of mallorys candles
$14.90 Currant - Red
Courtesy of Sacromento Packing
$69.00 Walnut - Howard
Apple Gala compliments of wikipedia
$34.00 Dwarf Apple - Gala
Peach Sunset red leaf
$44.00 Dwarf Peach - Sunset Backyard Beauty
Nectarine sunset red leaf
$39.00 Dwarf Nectarine - Sunset Backyard Beauty
Mulberry - Hicks Fancy
$34.00 Mulberry - Hicks Fancy
Grape Thompson Seedless
$14.90 Grape - Thompson Seedless ( Sultana )
Persimmon Dai Dai Maru compliments of Bunnings
$44.00 Persimmon - Dai Dai Maru (A)

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