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May 2012

BlueBerry Offer: Click on the Banner Below:

May 2012 Blueberry Offer

Discovering Blueberries

As with all produce blueberries always taste best when picked Blueberry - Yarraleaand eaten fresh from your own backyard. Packed full of vitamin C and antioxidants you will need to grow your own blueberries to get the full benefits from this tasty little fruit.

Blueberry Growing Conditions

Given the right conditions and with careful selection for your climate blueberries are very satisfying and rewarding bushes to grow.  They are acid loving plants that grow best in soils with a pH ranging from 4.5 – 5.5.  They are compact shrubs with a slow growth habitOmar picking Blueberries making them perfect for growing in pots. One of the easiest ways to satisfy their needs is to plant them in azalea mix as this has the correct pH formulation and will provide them with an open structure that is perfect for their root systems.  


One of the most versatile varieties is Legacy; this is well suited for growing in most of NSW and is a self-pollinating variety.  As it fruits late in the season it is an excellent Torin picking blueberrieschoice for extending your fruiting season.  Misty and Biloxi are tried and tested selections for northern NSW and southern Queensland.
Rabbiteye blueberries get their name from the pink colour of the fruits before they ripen to a deep blue. They do require cross pollination so be sure to select two different varieties when planting rabbiteyes.  They are also late to crop so are another excellent way to extend your fruiting season.  Pruning your bush after fruiting will keep it compact, attractive and induce a second crop of fruit.  Birds will love your blueberries too so netting your bush will be important if you do not wish to share your precious fruits with the local wildlife.

Stunning potted specimen

Blueberries are attractive bushes that only grow to about 2m and can be pruned toPotted Blueberry size.  They are slow growing deciduous plants with delicate pinkish-white spring blossoms, some cultivars also producing a stunning show of bright red autumn foliage before they drop their leaves.  The best things about blueberries if of course the fabulous fruits that are harvested through the warmer months.  Anyone who has eaten blueberries straight from the bush will never go back to frozen fruits from the supermarket making them an essential addition for any productive backyard.  They are the perfect fruiting plant for pots and can be grown on patios, balconies and verandahs within easy reach of children who will be able to help themselves, something they will love.


Bare Rooted Fruit Trees

Nina and Bare rooted GrapesWe are busy preparing for our bare rooted winter stocks that arrive June/July.  The bare rooted plants are already available for prepurchase online, so get your orders in while stocks last.  Winter is a great time to be planting deciduous plants, we will have plums, peaches and cherries, quinces, raspberries, grapes and nectarines to name just a few.

Exclusion OrchardExclusion Orchard

We have been dreaming about an exclusion orchard for many years now and finally work has commenced.  Rod has all the poles and cables in place ready to stretch the exclusion netting over as soon as we have been through the orchard and reduced the height of the trees by about 1/2.  Come spring time we will be picking luscious tree ripened stone fruit that are free of fruit fly, I can't wait.

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