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chinese new yearGrapes available nowFruit Tree PacksPitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryUse these promo codes to get special offers when placing a new orderAll Positive and Negative ReviewsPlants that we have too many of and that will soon outgrow their pot size so need to be sold fast
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December 2008

The Daley News

The year seems to have flown by and I can hardly believe we Christmas Tree Giftare already looking forward to our Christmas party again.  We would like to wish you all a very happy festive season and a fruitful new year from all of us here at Daley's Nursery.  For those who are contemplating gifts we have some great green gift ideas, I am also going to take this opportunity to ask you for any good ideas you may have for us. 
What is cropping in time to fill your Christmas baskets?  Lychees will be coming off in some places.  The low chill stone fruits are coming to an end, apples are in full fruit and it is the best time for cherries, I always remember picking cherries on Christmas day when I was a child, this was to beat the birds from eating them all, but I guess it was also because this was the day the whole family had together, so we would head off across the paddocks with our buckets and ladders to the old cherry trees, then in the evening we would sit and pip them all and my mum would make the best tasting cherry jam. Parrots Nest
When Chris left us for the distant shores of Ecuador his parting gift was a nest box for our resident eastern rosellas, I am thrilled to say that the parrots were delighted, they moved in straight away and we have had our first successful brood.  It has been wonderful to watch their comings and goings and to see the young fledglings take their first flight. 

Video - Growing Fruit Trees in Pots

Youtube: Growing Fruit Trees in Pots

Green Gift Ideas

Fruit trees make fabulous gifts, the rewards continue into the future with the harvest of home grown fruit and nuts and nothing compares in terms of flavour.   The satisfaction of harvesting home grown produce is very rewarding for everyone, young or old, there is something to suit everyone, even the smallest backyard has space for a small potted fruit tree.

Youtube: Christmas Gift of Fruit Trees

If you do not know what tree to select, then a gift voucher is a great option

Rainforest Rescue

For anyone interested in preserving our remnant rainforests, you can purchase a piece of the Daintree for your friends and family to ensure it will survive as a natural wonder for future generations, this not for profit organization has both local and international projects to help save and plant rainforests.  Projects re-establish rainforests through planting, maintenance & restoration, as well as purchasing & protecting high conservation value rainforest.

Christmas reading.

Discovering Fruit and Nuts is an essential fruit and nut reference for all enthusiasts.  This is a fabulous easy to read and is excellent to refer to for all information on growing over 300 different types of fruits and nuts. 

We are eagerly awaiting the reprint of Louis Glowingski's The Complete Book of Fruit Growing in Australia, this fabulous book by the well known fruit guru will hopefully be back on our shelve soon, please request the notification email off the web page if you are interested and I will let you know as soon as it is available again. 

My Great Idea

Passion FlowerI quite often receive emails from people with great ideas of how we could improve our systems or web site.  If you have an idea brewing we want to hear about it.  I am going to set up a forum with my own great idea and I want you all to tell me yours.  If you are wondering why I want your ideas, this is because we want to implement them to make our web site a better place for you.


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