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My Edible Fruit Trees: Kiwifruit Vines WA


Kiwifruit - Bruno (female) (Cutting) 5/10

Amanda's Edible Fruits
Update: 2108 days 6hrs

Comments: - Removed. It didn't get enough chill here to flower reliably - even though Bruno needs far less chill than Hayward and should have been ok here. I actually prefer the Kiwiberries anyway.Large vines that need a very strong trellis and resent hot weather and especially hot winds. Need a great deal of water on hot days. Not a water-wise plant here. Doesn't like any alkalinity either - gets chlorosis readily. 
Needs some shade here and lots of sand improvement to increase it's water holding capacity.

Planted: 2014

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Balanced Acid lovers. Little and often during the growing season.

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