Fruit Trees
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September 2011

The Daley News 

Dwarf Peach BlossomSpring has sprung here in Kyogle, the orchard is awash with blossoms and buzzing with bees busily going about their day's work collecting pollen and pollinating the flowers as they go.  It is a fabulous time of year here with lots of sunshine and perfect temperatures there is no better place to be than out in the garden.  There are so many jobs to do in the orchard during spring; it is worth putting a little effort in at this time of the year so that you reap the benefits later in the season. Spring is thePlum Blossom main time of the year for feeding, watering, fertilizing and pruning. Deciduous trees are breaking bud, citrus are producing a flush of new growth and stone fruits are covered in blossom they will all benefit from a deep drink.  If you have not yet pruned your trees, take your secateurs with you on your afternoon walks and cut out any dead wood and wayward branches from your fruit trees. 

Video: Abiu Tree

One of our Tropical Fruit Trees is the Abiu Tree we hope you enjoy as we show you how it looks and tastes and about how it grows.

Video: Rio Red GrapeFruit in Bonsai Bags

Video: Pummelo Tree

Fruit Tree Packs

Sometimes it is hard to know what trees suit. For example will I get fruit with just one tropical apple tree or do I need another apple tree for pollination? We have a pack that matches up these pollinators for you. Another question might be how do I go about creating a backyard rainforest. We have a pack that has pioneer plants, wind breaks, understory plants and mature plants.

Fruit Tree Packs


Customer Feedback - Testimonials

At Daleys we have been sending fruit trees to peoples backyards for over 30 years now and we are proud of our record. We are very proud of our Testimonial Page because it shows that you are getting your fruit trees safely and are happy with your trees.

Customer Feedback

New Categories

We now have 3 main categories in our shop.

1. Tropical Fruit Trees - For people who live in the hotter climates.

2. Subtropical Fruit Trees - A mix of hot and cold

3. Temperate Fruit Trees - These are trees that will cope well with frosts and sometimes need the colder temperatures to get their chill hours.

Black Sapote

Torin eating Black SapoteThe black sapote or chocolate pudding fruit as it is also called is a fabulous tree for subtropical and tropical gardens.  Black sapote trees can be grown as far south as Sydney as long as they have a warm and protected position; they are highly productive and are very ornamental evergreen trees that are closely related to persimmons.  The green skinned fruits are similar to an astringent persimmon in that they need to be left to ripen at room temperature for 5-10 days until they are very soft, they will change colour from a shiny bright green to a deep dark olive Black Sapotegreen when fully ripe.  Once ripe the fruits are mouth wateringly delicious.  The flesh of a ripe black sapote is thick and silky smooth; they make the best thick shakes by blending with milk and a dash of vanilla, if you want to be a little more adventurous a chocolate pudding mousse with a splash of cointreau and a dollop of cream will be the talking point of your dinner table.  They blend beautifully with sharp acidic fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges and it could be said they are perfect eaten cut in half and smothered in passionfruit juice. We had a visit recently from a rare fruit enthusiast from Bundaberg; he brought with him some black sapote leather for us to try.  The flesh had been dried with yogurt and coconut and then rolled into tempting and delicious treats. Grafted selections are the best choice as you will be guaranteed good quality fruit from your trees with a couple of years, although seedling trees are the best choice for marginal climates as they are easier to grow and more vigorous.


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