My Edible Fruit Trees: Dwarf Apple Trees QLD
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted)![]() Update: 1234 days 17hrs Comments: - Plant arrived in in Feb 2020 in great condition with soil still damp. Will plant this into a pot after 1-2 weeks outside and provide updates. May 2020 - Has been growing well so far, no issues as of yet. Spring 2020 - Flowered Nov-Dec 2020 - Fruited (only left two on). Damaged by ?fruit fly, but still edible. Will try bagging next year. September 2021: Flowering and setting fruit again. Now in 45L planter bag. Planted: 2020 Growing: In a Pot Qty: 1 First Fruited: 10 Months from Purchase in Pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Golden Dorsett Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 4 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden (Grafted)![]() Update: 1234 days 17hrs Comments: - Plant arrived in in Feb 2020 in great condition with soil still damp. Will plant this into a pot after 1-2 weeks outside and provide updates. May 2020 - Has been growing well so far, no issues as of yet. Spring 2020 - Flowered Nov-Dec 2020 - Fruited (only left two on). Damaged by ?fruit fly, but still edible. Will try bagging next year. September 2021: Flowering and setting fruit again. Now in 45L planter bag. Planted: 2020 Growing: In a Pot Qty: 1 First Fruited: 10 Months from Purchase in Pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Tropic Sweet Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna (Grafted)![]() Update: 1424 days 16hrs Comments: - 1st picture taken 2009. No rain Nov-Jan Aug-Sept Flowering Planted: 2008 Height 1 metres Water Given in: Winter Autumn and WinterPollination: Self Pollination Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 8 people found this review useful CommentsMacLynn says... [5653 days 7hrs ago]I am wondering myself whether or not these would really be suitable for coastel north of Brisbane weather. I think not actually and I wondered what sort of climate you are ine. What would be the lowest temperature you get down to in winter?* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden (Grafted)![]() Update: 1424 days 16hrs Comments: - Photo taken 2009. A Dorset Gold in Middle. Apple Tropic Sweet left side. Apple Anna right side & in far background Avocado Bacon. This area can go as low as -2 temp Planted: 2008 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Water Given in: Winter Autumn and WinterPollination: Self Pollination Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 3 of 10 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted)![]() Update: 1424 days 16hrs Comments: - Photo taken 2009. Apple TS is in foreground Planted: 2008 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Winter Autumn and WinterPollination: Self Pollination Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 4 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic SweetUpdate: 1953 days 12hrs Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 7 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna![]() Update: 2184 days 8hrs Comments: - Similar to red delicious Planted: 2018 Water Given in: Winter Autumn and WinterPollination: Cross Pollination Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Custard Apple - Tropic Sun (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 2184 days 8hrs Comments: - Espaliered, looks awesome - took well to this and friends have commented. Love the fruit, not gritty/grainy like some other custard apples and small seeds too. No need to hand pollinate. Downside is that all of the fruit comes at once, quickly over a month from mid-feb to march in Brisbane. Must bag/net to protect from fruit fly - unripe fruit drops leading up to harvest as a natural thinning method so I bag by Feb and find fruit only start to get stung two weeks after the very first fruit drops. I harvest fruit to freeze the pulp to use later. Amazing with vanilla ice cream. I took a gamble with limited info online when I got this tree - it is a winner!!! I don't know why someone could not like the taste. Fruiting Months March Height 3 metres Growing: In the Ground Fruit Harvest: 3 kilograms per Year First Fruited: 3 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Autumn and Winter Summer, Autumn, WinterPollination: Self Pollination Organic Status:Certified Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 17 of 21 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted) 8/10![]() Update: 2184 days 8hrs Comments: - Espaliered, pretty flowers at front entrance with dwarf golden dorsett and nashi pear. Good snack sized fruit within six months of purchase. Must bag/net to protect from fruit fly... best time to harvest is when fruit drops into bag. I bag fruit when slightly larger than my thumb as some fruit drops before then, as prior to that it is too easy to damage tieing the bag on and you need to do your thinning. Won mother-in-law over so got her a tree for christmas. So much nicer tasting than store-bought fruit. I want an Anna tree one day too. Most interested in seeing the multiple crops happen throughout the year... Fruiting Months October, November, December Planted: 2017 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Fruit Harvest: 1 kilograms per Year Water Given in: Autumn and Winter Summer, Autumn, WinterPollination: Self Pollination Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 4 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden (Grafted) 8/10![]() Update: 2184 days 8hrs Comments: - Espaliered with tropic sweet. Have not tasted the fruit yet. Seems to ripen later than tropic sweet. Bag the fruit to protect from fruit fly. Fruiting Months November and December Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Autumn and Winter Summer, Autumn, WinterPollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Tropic sweet Organic Status:Certified Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted) 7/10![]() Update: 2341 days 21hrs Comments: - Still early days. I have had problems with ants but have temporarily solved by moving the pot periodically (2009 Aug) I have got some very promising flowers already. Fruiting Months November and December Planted: 2007 Height 1 metres Growing: In a Pot Qty: 1 Fruit Harvest: 2 Fruit Per Year First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringPollination: No Pest Control:
Organic Status:Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 3 of 4 people found this review useful CommentsJimmy1 says... [5564 days 12hrs ago]Keep us informed !!Correy says... [5298 days 17hrs ago] I have had a few more apples off this tree this year but unfortunately I have developed a love for Fuji apples and I can't grow them here in my hot environment.* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna (Grafted) 5/10![]() Update: 2525 days 7hrs Height 1.2 metres Growing: In a Pot Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Golden Dorset Fertiliser or Organics Used: Worm Wee, Potash, Seasol Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 0 of 1 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 2587 days 10hrs Comments: - I love apples, but I'm sick of the tasteless ones sold in supermarkets, so three trees should keep us going for hopefully nearly six months of the year. Bought from Daleys and planted mid Nov 2017 (Gold Coast) in a garden bed next to a dwarf tropical anna (left) and dwarf tropic sweet (centre). These three form a triple planting about 45cm apart under the Dave Wilson Nursery backyard orchard concept. The entire bed has a thick layer of cane mulch. At present (Jan 2018) they are about 90cm tall, and will be pruned regularly so they grow no taller than 150-180cm. I fertilise with varying ratios and amounts of Dynamic Lifter or Rooster Booster, sulphate of potash, and blood and bone at the beginning of spring, summer and autumn. I also give fortnightly foliar sprays of a diluted solution of Seasol, Powerfeed for flowers and fruit, soluble sulphate of potash, and Epsom salts during the non-dormant months. I use a soil moisture meter, and water the trees as necessary. All three apple trees are very healthy and growing vigorously, and the grafts are very strong. Planted: 2017 Height 90 Centimetres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Dwarf tropic sweet and dwarf tropical anna Pest Control: Occasional Eco-Neem spray, and copper spray during dormancy. When fruiting the fruit will be bagged against fruit fly. Organic Status:Partially Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 6 of 10 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 2587 days 10hrs Comments: - I love apples, but I'm sick of the tasteless ones sold in supermarkets, so three trees should keep us going for hopefully nearly six months of the year. Bought from Daleys and planted mid Nov 2017 (Gold Coast) in a garden bed next to a dwarf tropic sweet (centre) and dwarf dorsett golden (on right). These three form a triple planting about 45cm apart under the Dave Wilson Nursery backyard orchard concept. The entire bed has a thick layer of cane mulch. At present (Jan 2018) they are about 90cm tall, and will be pruned regularly so they grow no taller than 150-180cm. I fertilise with varying ratios and amounts of Dynamic Lifter or Rooster Booster, sulphate of potash, and blood and bone at the beginning of spring, summer and autumn. I also give fortnightly foliar sprays of a diluted solution of Seasol, Powerfeed for flowers and fruit, soluble sulphate of potash, and Epsom salts during the non-dormant months. I use a soil moisture meter, and water the trees as necessary. All three apple trees are very healthy and growing vigorously, and the grafts are very strong. Height 90 Centimetres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Dwarf tropic sweet and dwarf golden dorsett Pest Control: Occasional Eco-Neem spray, and copper spray during dormancy. When fruiting the fruit will be bagged against fruit fly. Organic Status:Partially Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 3 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 2587 days 10hrs Comments: - I love apples, but I'm sick of the tasteless ones sold in supermarkets, so three trees should keep us going for hopefully nearly six months of the year. Bought from Daleys and planted mid Nov 2017 (Gold Coast) in a garden bed next to a dwarf tropical anna (on left) and dwarf dorsett golden (on right). These three form a triple planting about 45cm apart under the Dave Wilson Nursery backyard orchard concept. The entire bed has a thick layer of cane mulch. At present (Jan 2018) they are about 90cm tall, and will be pruned regularly so they grow no taller than 150-180cm. I fertilise with varying ratios and amounts of Dynamic Lifter or Rooster Booster, sulphate of potash, and blood and bone at the beginning of spring, summer and autumn. I also give fortnightly foliar sprays of a diluted solution of Seasol, Powerfeed for flowers and fruit, soluble sulphate of potash, and Epsom salts during the non-dormant months. I use a soil moisture meter, and water the trees as necessary. All three apple trees are very healthy and growing vigorously, and the grafts are very strong. Planted: 2017 Height 90 Centimetres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Dwarf tropical anna and dwarf dorsett golden Pest Control: Occasional Eco-Neem spray, and copper spray during dormancy. When fruiting the fruit will be bagged against fruit fly. Organic Status:Partially Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 3 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Custard Apple - Tropic Sun![]() Update: 2609 days 12hrs Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Royal Gala (Grafted) 10/10Slicko's Edible FruitsUpdate: 2625 days 12hrs Comments: - I bought the book "Growing Apples in the Tropics" by Kevin Hauser from Kufflel Creek Nursery where he advocates that it is possible to obtain decent apple crops from varieties that have chill hours above those accepted as low chill varieties and that he sells his trees into the warmer areas of Africa. So my Dwarf Royal Gala and Granny Smith are going to be grown using his methods. Already my Anna and Tropic sweet are flowering using his methods. Not enough yet for pollination but we are still 2 weeks from spring! Jan 2017: Royal Gala must be self fertile to some degree as the tree is setting fruit where ever it flowers.There is not anything else in flower in the garden and being iin a sub tropic cl imate I don't expect that there would be anyone else close by trying the same thing. Anyhow it will be interesting to see what happens. Dec 2017 A small crop of quite nice apples coming on. It was late coming into flower but coincided with the Granny Smith so it set a lot fo fruit that I have had to thin heavily.. Planted: 2016 Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Winter Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Granny Smith When I Fertilise: Spring Pest Control: Fruit will be bagged Organic Status:Partially Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 5 of 9 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Granny Smith (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 2625 days 12hrs Comments: - I bought the book "Growing Apples in the Tropics" by Kevin Hauser from Kufflel Creek Nursery where he advocates that it is possible to obtain decent apple crops from varieties that have chill hours above those accepted as low chill varieties and that he sells his trees into the warmer areas of Africa. So my Dwarf Royal Gala and Granny Smith are going to be grown using his methods. Already my Anna and Tropic sweet are flowering using his methods. Not enough yet for pollination but we are still 2 weeks from spring! Dec 2017 A small crop of quite nice apples coming on. It was late coming into flower but cooincided wiht the Gala so it set a lot fo fruit that I have had to this heavily.. Planted: 2015 Height 2.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Winter Pollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Royal Gala When I Fertilise: Spring Pest Control: Fruit will be bagged Organic Status:Partially Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 2625 days 13hrs Comments: - This is my other apple and it and my tropical sweet willl polinate each other. I am hoping for one or two fruit from each tree next season. June 2016. An expected very small crop of fewer than a handful. Hoping for a better result this year Dec 2017 A small crop of quite nice apples coming on Planted: 2014 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Autumn SummerPollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: tropical sweet When I Fertilise: Spring Pest Control: Tree will be netted and fruit bagged Organic Status:Partially Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 1 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted) 10/10![]() Update: 2625 days 13hrs Comments: - Growing apples is a first time and I am quite looking forward to it June 2016 A small crop this year is expected Dec 2017 A small crop of quite nice apples coming on Fruiting Months December Planted: 2014 Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Spring Summer and SpringPollination: Cross Pollination Cross Pollinator Variety: Tropical Anna When I Fertilise: Spring Pest Control: Netting Organic Status:Partially Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 0 of 1 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden (Cutting) 7/10![]() Update: 2939 days 19hrs Comments: - i had it on a west facing wall in a large pot that had midday sun but this year it all but died Pollination: Hand Pollination Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 6 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet 5/10![]() Update: 3002 days 15hrs Planted: 2006 Height 2 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Summer Pollination: No When I Fertilise: Spring Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted) 7/10![]() Update: 3009 days 14hrs Fruiting Months January, September, October, November, December Planted: 2016 Height 2 metres Growing: In a Pot Qty: 1 First Fruited: 5 Months from Purchase in Pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: Cross Pollination Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden![]() Update: 3058 days 9hrs Comments: - WISH LIST Top of my priorities is growing apples in Brisbane. A few locals are having great success in South Brisbane. I want so badly. Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 6 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna![]() Update: 3058 days 9hrs Comments: - WISH LIST Top of my priorities is growing apples in Brisbane. A few locals are having great success in South Brisbane. I want so badly. Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet![]() Update: 3058 days 9hrs Comments: - WISH LIST Top of my priorities is growing apples in Brisbane. A few locals are having great success in South Brisbane. I want so badly. Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted)![]() Update: 3062 days 20hrs Fruiting Months November and December Planted: 2014 Height 2 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Fruit Harvest: 2 kilograms per Year Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Spring Pollination: No Fertiliser or Organics Used: lucerne mulch When I Fertilise: Spring Pest Control: bat safe netting Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Cox Orange Pippin (Grafted) 8/10Dimity Cottage1's Edible FruitsUpdate: 3179 days 15hrs Comments: - Love cooking with Apples Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring Summer, Autumn, Winter, SpringPollination: Cross Pollination Fertiliser or Organics Used: Amgrow Organic Fruit Fertilizer and Composted Manure When I Fertilise: Winter and Spring Pest Control: Only use Cert Organic Sprays when necessary, have planted under story of Foxgloves and use Beneficial Insects Organic Status:Certified Question: I know this may not grow here but I am hoping Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Granny Smith (Grafted) 8/10![]() Update: 3179 days 15hrs Comments: - Just love the fruit of the Granny Smith Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring Pollination: Cross Pollination Fertiliser or Organics Used: Amgrow Organic Fruit Fertilizer and Composted Manure When I Fertilise: Winter and Spring Pest Control: Use Beneficial Insects, Foxgloves under planting and only use sprays when really necessary Organic Status:Certified Question: I know this Apple may be hard to grow here but is there any possibility it will fruit here? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna 8/10![]() Update: 3179 days 15hrs Comments: - Wanted a tree that I could train over an archway that was not too big Planted: 2013 Height 3 metres Growing: In the Ground Qty: 1 Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring Summer, Autumn, Winter, SpringPollination: Cross Pollination Fertiliser or Organics Used: Amgrow Organic Fruit Fertilizer and Composted Manure When I Fertilise: Winter and Spring Pest Control: Under Planting of Foxgloves, only use Cert Organic Pest Killers when I have to and also use Beneficial Insects Organic Status:Certified Question: When is the best time to fertilizer and Prune Apple Trees Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 2 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |