Oxalis tuberosa
A tuberous vegetable that produces colourful tubers that can be cooked like potato or eaten raw. The plant is attractive, having the typical leaves of oxalis, which is similar to the well known clover leaf. These are best suited to temperate climates. It is recommended to plant in Spring in cool areas and at the beginning of the Autumn in warmer areas. They can be kept in a fridge until ready for planting. Be careful not to freeze it. Protect from heat in all climate zones. Plant with about 5cm coverage, 30cm apart. Best harvests are had when the plants are hilled as for potatoes from about 4 months after planting. They are ready to harvest when the tops start to die back.
$29.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)
Cultivated for the fruit which is dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The fruits are dark red when fully ripe. Immature fruits can be picked as green pepper, black pepper is the fruit dried with the skin on and white pepper is the dried seed only. Black pepper is the worlds most widely traded spice.
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$24.00 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)
Also known as the Horseradish tree or Tree of Life. Possibly one of the most useful trees in the world, it produces long green pods that have been compared to a cross between peanuts and asparagus. The peeled roots are used as a substitute for horseradish and the edible leaves make a highly nutritious vegetable. Claims are made that its tiny leaves contains 7 times the Vit C of oranges, 4 times the Vit A of Carrots, 4 times the Calcium of milk, 3 times the Potassium of Bananas, and 2 times the protein of yogurt. The roots have also been documented as useful in many folk remedies. It originates in India and has spread in popularity to many parts of Asia, Central and South America, Africa and the Pacific. In Africa it has been also called the Miracle Tree with so many uses. This tree has delicate foliage and attractive pale yellow flowers. The slender, semi -deciduous, perennial tree, to about 10 m tall with drooping branches. Best kept pruned under 2mts as its the leaves that is what is best used in cooking. Thrives in subtropical and tropical climates, flowering and fruiting freely and continuously. Grows best on a dry sandy soil. Makes an ideal shade tree with high drought resistance. (Source: Nutritive Value of Indian Foods, by C. Gopalan) PLEASE NOTE: The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
$19.75 ($3.00-$19.75 choose a size)
Hardy ginger variety, very popular in a range of cooking. Aromatic perennial plant with a pungent rhizome that is used as a spice, flavouring, food, and traditional medicine. In cool climates can perform very well as a pot plant and is easy to harvest all year round by digging fresh tubers as you need them. Young rhizome is pink skinned and the texture is much softer. The leafy stems of ginger grow about a metre high and lend a tropical feel to gardens. Provide good amounts of organic matter and keep well watered right through the growing season for best production
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$17.75 ($17.75-$19.75 choose a size)
This species bears a striking similarity to Cape York Turmeric. It differs in that the flower bracts are a deeper pink/purple colour as is the dark strip that runs up the centre of the leaf. Often used medicinally, in Bali a delicious drink is made by cooking dried slices of rhizome in water with palm sugar.
Buy 1+ @$17.75ea usually:$24.90ea
$29.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)
A beautiful Ginger plant for tropical and subtropical gardens. It releases a lovely fragrant sudsy liquid when the red flowers are squeezed gently. Grow in full sun to partial shade in free draining soil. Keep the plant moist during the growing season and reduce watering when it is dormant in cooler seasons. Liquid harvested from the plant can be stored in the freezer for use at other times for example if you want the luxury of washing your hair with this gorgeous natural shampoo alternative in Winter. During summer the flowers will refill with the gingery fragrant liquid in 3 to 4 days. Enjoy your beautiful plant!
$19.75 ($5.90-$23.90 choose a size)
Cassava is a shrubby plant growing to about 1-3m, with thin stems and attractive large palm-shaped leaves. A perennial shrub cassava produces a high yield of tuberous roots in 6 months to 3 years after planting. The tubers are the main part that is eaten, but the leaves can be enjoyed as a vegetable dish.Cassava is an important daily source of starch for 300-600 million of the poorest people around the world. It is among the most productive uses of subsistence land, producing 40% more starch than rice, and 25% more than maize..Note that all cassava is poisonous!! In some bitter varieties, all parts of the plant are laced with a highly toxic poison (hydrocyanic or prussic acid). Sweet varieties have lower or marginal concentrations of the toxin. But the more toxic varieties produce bigger tubers! Plants from the tropics have evolved toxins as a defense against predators more so than those from temperate climates which is why they require cooking in order to eat them. Thorough cooking dispels or denatures the harmful toxins, and makes the remaining portion safe to eat.Powdered cassava is treated like a flour and made into cakes, unleavened bread, pasta, crackers. Sliced cassava is also made into crisps. Flat bread made from cassava meal can keep for a year without spoiling. Dried chips or pellets are used as animal feed.Young tender leaves are rich in Vitamin B and protein, but also has more of the toxins. They are eaten as a vegetable. Like the tubers, they have to be properly cooked to remove their toxins.
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$29.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)
Grown for thousands of years in China for both culinary and medicinal purposes and the source of the preferred cinnamon spice in North America, the flavour is stronger and is suitable for both sweet and savoury dishes. Trees are coppiced every 2-3 years and the inner bark is harvested and rolled into quills. The flower buds are also used as a sweet flavouring. Cassia cinnamon is distinguished from true Cinnamon by the thickness of the harvested quills and by the scent of the leaves. These are high in cinnamaldehyde, the source of the cinnamon scent, whereas true Cinnamon leaves smell like cloves. An attractive tree. Weed Warning: Can be invasive in tropical areas
$19.90 ($18.90-$79.00 choose a size)
Fresh leaves from this tree are an indispensable ingredient in Indian cooking. The leaves are pretty much unknown in the West because they lose most of their flavour when dried. They have a distinct, spicy curry-like flavour and odour.Warning: The seeds are poisonous and should not be eaten
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$17.75 ($17.75-$18.75 choose a size)
Stevia or the sugar herb is native to Brazil. The fresh or dried leaves can be used as a sugar substitute to sweeten cakes, drinks or desserts and are the only natural sweetener to have zero calories, carbohydrates and a zero glycemic index. The leaves if eaten fresh have a distinct set of flavours, the first sensation on the taste buds is the sweetness, this is followed by a pleasant aniseed like flavour which is lost totally once the herb is dried. Stevia is best grown in a sunny or partly shaded position where it is protected from frost. Thrives in moist, well drained soils enriched with humus. Ideal for pots, herb and kitchen gardens.The flowers will emerge from the ends of the stems throughout summer, and it does die back in winter but the plant is perennial and will bounce back in spring. The foliage is delicate on these young herbs, and our potted plants are known for their older, lower leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back.
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Ginger plant to 2m with yellow rhizome used as a traditional medicine in SE Asia. Flowers are distinctive, large, maroon-brown bracts arising from the base in summer, with cream flowers emerging between the bracts in a pretty display. Known as Plai in Thailand and scientific name was previously known as Zingiber montanum
$9.90 ($3.90-$19.90 choose a size)
The thick, cylindrical rhizome or underground stem of a tropical plant belongs to the ginger family. Finely grated it adds many health benefits and a brilliant colour and earthy flavour to foods such as Indian curries, rice and vegetarian dishes. Fresh Turmeric is lightly aromatic and slightly peppery, the flavour is pungent and bitter. Turmeric is a primary ingredient of Curry Powder. Used heavily in Indian Cuisine such as legumes, beans, and vegetable dishes. That wonderful ballpark mustard also contains turmeric as a colouring. To make yellow rice, use one teaspoon to colour one cup of raw rice. In the garden, the luscious leafy plant produces a spectacular flower that will stop you in your tracks, making a great ornamental feature in a subtropical garden. The foliage will die back in the winter indicating it is ready for harvest.
Buy 2+ @$9.90ea usually:$19.90ea
$19.75 ($18.75-$19.75 choose a size)
The easiest to grow of all onions, these onions are also known as Egyptian and top-setting onions. They grow in any soil with reasonable drainage, but if you want big fat bulbs then dig in compost and horse, cow or sheep manure a few weeks before planting. Grow from bulbs planted with just the top poking out of the soil, or from single bulbils planted just under the surface of the soil, in a position with full sun. Space plants about 40cm apart and they will grow to be about 60cm tall. Bulbs can be dug up about 5 months after planting. Save some bulbs for replanting or just replant the bulbils and eat the bulbs. There seems to be some variation in flavour of the bulbs, some being more mild and sweet and others stronger. There are also types with more red than brown skins. Both bulbs and bulbils have similar onion flavours and make an excellent substitute for brown onions in any dish.
$29.00 ($24.00-$39.00 choose a size)
The fermented pod of this climbing orchid is harvested from the Vanilla Vine or orchid, an aromatic sweet scents used to flavour cakes, and perfumes. Must be hand pollinated. The only insect capable of pollinating the blossom is the Melipona, a bee (see video) , native only to Mexico so all plants must be hand pollinated within 12 hours of the flower opening. The pods take nine month to develop.
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$14.90 ($12.75-$18.75 choose a size)
Lemongrass is one of the most versatile of herbs. It makes a delicious herbal tea, is often used in cooking, as an effective pest repellent and an almost impenetrable weed barrier. Tie the outer leaves in a loop and cook with food to impart flavour. Be sure to remove before serving. Incredibly fast to become established and drought tolerant. The fleshy, purple part of the stem is used in curry pastes and can be ground into a paste and added to marinades and sauces to impart a fresh, lemony flavour.
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$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)
Makes an attractive hedge with the added bonus of providing your own tea if you wish to dry the new leaf tips. The fragrant white flowers are an added bonus to this compact glossy leaved bush.
$14.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)
Galangal is a fantastic member of the ginger family. The plant has striking orchid-like blooms and is often found in subtropical and tropical gardens. The knobby root has a delicious exotic taste with a touch of pepper and ginger. Best known as Thai Ginger, Galangal is similar to ginger in appearance, but not in flavor or texture. There are two primary types, Greater and Lesser. Indian and Thai Curries make primary use of Galangal and it is a prime ingredient of the popular Bitters used in mixed drinks. Use ground Galangal with other spices such as Cumin, Coriander, and Thai chillies to season almost any food including soups, sauces, meats and fish, legumes, and dry seasoning blends. Shoots, flower buds & flowers can be eaten cooked, shoots are quite hot when raw.
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$4.90 ($4.90-$12.75 choose a size)
A small, perennial, evergreen with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. Native to the Mediterranean region. It has a long history of medicinal and culinary use, and in modern times as an ornamental garden plant. As a kitchen herb, sage has a slight peppery flavor.
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$9.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)
A Jerusalem artichoke is a white-fleshed root vegetable that is related to the Sunflower. The plant is upright, tall-growing with bristly woody stems, green pointed leaves, and golden-yellow flowers similar to the sunflower. The edible tubers are elongated, knobby, white, red or purple skinned. Several tubers are clustered at the base of each stem. The tubers can be eaten raw or cooked and the flavour improves if they are left in the ground until frosted. It is not related to the thistle-like globe artichoke, even though they taste rather similar. It is used in a popular creamy soup in France. Best planted in the spring or early summer for good tuber production. Appreciates well drained and friable soils. Raised garden beds can be useful where you have heavier soil types. Keep them well mulched and visit them regularly to enjoy their fine presence in your garden.
Buy 1+ @$9.90ea usually:$14.90ea
$2.90 ($2.90-$18.90 choose a size)
A woody, fast growing leguminous shrub, to 3.6 m, with yellow and red flowers. It is hardy, widely adaptable and tolerant of temperatures as high as 35C. It can be killed by heavy frost. The seeds are 25% protein, can be eaten fresh or as split dried peas, are used for dhal in India, contain 5 times more Vitamin A and C than green peas. The leaves and young shoots can be eaten cooked, they are fibrous and have a strong spicy odour. Animal Fodder; an excellent feed for cattle, pigs and poultry. Green Manure; incorporate the plants as they flower. Mulch production; can be cut many times in a season. Windbreaks; suitable as a shelter belt around vegetable gardens and plants provide nitrogen, habitat and soil stabilisation. Permaculture - plant on west side of newly planted trees to provide wind and sun shelter and a ready source of mulch. Prune back to control growth and use as mulch on your young tree.
Buy 8+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea
$14.90 ($14.90-$18.75 choose a size)
Aromatic, tall, clump forming lemon scented grass, native to east India. It is a source of the essential oil for perfumery, culinary and medicinal purposes. It likes high rainfall and warm temperatures, and is not frost tolerant. It is more tropical than its cousin Cymbopogon citratus, with thicker, tougher leaves also. In agroforestry, it is well suited as a living mulch and can be cut regularly in the growing season. Vigorous, it can help contain running weeds from spreading when planted as a border. This plant does produce viable seed, so take care that this does not spread into native bushland or pasture
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Brahmi is native to India and is now endemic to many parts of the world, including Australia and prefers warm, wet soils in a protected, partially shaded position. Drought and frost tender. Perennial ground cover growing to 20-40cm. Eat fresh, or dry and brew into a herbal tea. Also called memory herb and water hyssop.
$18.75 ($12.90-$18.75 choose a size)
A woody perennial herb with aromatic fragrant needle like leaves, native to the Mediterranean region. Rosemary is a member of the mint family, the name rosemary comes from the Latin rosmarinus, meaning dew of the sea, apparently because they are often found growing by the sea.
Aramex Free Freight
$19.75 ($2.90-$19.75 choose a size)
Popular Ginger variety grown in Australia. Used frequently in Asian and south Asian cuisine and is more savory. Slightly larger rhizomes than the hardy Qld variety.
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$17.75 ($17.75-$17.75 choose a size)
A tropical perennial growing to 50 - 70cm high. Leaves die back in frost. It is the fat swollen roots that are sought after in this species and not the rhizome. The succulent roots are used to flavour many kinds of food either added raw or cooked. They are also sold in a pickled form in Indonesia & Thailand. Young leaves & shoots are also eaten. Formerly listed as Boesenbergia panduratum.
$14.90 ($14.90-$19.90 choose a size)
a native of Japan where it is grown commercially for its delicious spring shoots and young flower buds produced in autumn. Myoga flower buds are used in soups, tempura, pickled and as a spice. Like most gingers it is an understory of forests and so grows best under some shade. It can get sunburned leaves which will reduce its vigor if grown in full sun. In winter the top growth dies back and it regenerates in spring from the underground rhizomes.
Buy 2+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea
$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)
The fruits are red, yellow, purple or black. Pungent, hot and spicy. The flowers are greenish white or yellowish white. Can be called the Thai Chilli as well. The plant can grow up to 2m tall however very easily stays small especially in pots. It's origins are from Mexico however it is most famous for being used in Vietnamese cooking in soups, stir fries and salads. Thai cuisine commonly uses this chilli and it is because it has a fruity taste and an extreme spiciness. Many of the Thai curries are centred around the flavour of the Birds Eye chilli and it has become so common in Thai cooking that it is often just called the Thai chilli. Because they go well in pots many people who couldn't grow these fruits outside in colder climates can keep them protected and enjoy them fresh rather than store bought.
Aramex Free Freight
A perennial aromatic, culinary herb that can be used as a replacement for 'mixed herbs' in various dishes. Super easy to grow, prefers a part shade position and requires minimal watering to flourish. An excellent addition to every herb garden
$19.90 ($14.75-$19.90 choose a size)
The spicy leaves can be eaten raw and cooked. The attractive leaves can be used to wrap tasty foods such as spiced rice and ginger. Requires free draining, moist, fertile soil to grow well. Trellis support advised. Or it can be grown as a dense ground cover. Soaking the leaves in cold water with a little sugar for 2 hours before use subtly alters the flavour. The white flower spikes develop into a small fruit that can be eaten. Betel leaf has many traditional medicinal uses.Betel leaf is an evergreen, perennial creeper to 90 cm. It has shiny heart-shaped leaves with small white flower spikes. It prefers a rich, well-drained soil with partial shade. It likes to be kept moist but does not tolerate water-logging. Frost will damage the leaves but not kill the plant once it is well established. It makes a good ground cover under trees in subtropical and tropical areas. It grows vigorously in the right position and because of its habit of suckering can be difficult to remove. It can be grown successfully in colder areas in a hanging basket or large pot and moved to a warm, sheltered position in winter. Betel leaf is a different plant to Betel pepper Piper betle, which is chewed with betel nut.
$18.75 ($14.75-$18.75 choose a size)
A very attractive bell shaped chilli which is medium to hot flavoured and excellent for pickling. Flavour of flesh is very mild and fresh and seeds carry the heat. Perennial in warmer climates.
Aramex Free Freight
$16.75 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)
This handsome pyramid shaped tree makes a superb tub specimen, hedging plant or topiary sculpture due to its positive response to pruning. The leaves of the bay are used as a popular culinary seasoning used in all types of cooking.
Buy 1+ @$16.75ea usually:$19.75ea
An attractive clumping cane grown for its ornamental burgundy stems. It has sterile flowers and does not set seed. The old cane can be sawed into slices and chewed on, the juice is sweet and delicious. The tall purple fronds are a nice addition to food forest style gardens
$16.90 ($16.90-$18.75 choose a size)
A vine native to Mexico and grown for it edible tuberous roots that are also called yam beans. Jicama (pronounced 'hicama') looks similar to a turnip and can be used as an alternative to water chestnuts. The creamy white flesh has a flavour that is sweet and starchy like apple or green beans. The plants die back in winter in cool climates but the tubers will shoot again in spring. The root of Jicama develops swellings the size of a large turnip, (up to 5 per plant) under the surface of the ground, they are often eaten raw with a dusting of salt and chilli powder and a squeeze of lemon or lime. Warning The rest of this plant is poisonous, leave and seeds contain a toxin, eat only the tuber.
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Cardamon ginger is a leafy ginger-like plant that grows in clumps and makes an excellent low screen, it adds a tropical feel to any garden. While the seeds don't resemble true cardamom, the leaves can be used in desserts, to add flavour when steaming rice, or used to wrap fish. Leaves are also delicious when infused to make spiced teas: infuse one cardamon leaf, two sticks of lemon grass and one chopped chilli for a winter warmer.
Gotu Kola is native to the wetlands of Asia, and now endemic to the South Pacific and Australia. It is used as a culinary vegetable. Gotu Kola is an aquatic plant so for best results regular water is required when growing away from a wetland environment. In gardens it can be quite hardy though but will then produce small and bitter leaves.
$99.00 ($69.00-$119.00 choose a size)
This one of the two available self pollinating Hermaphrodite varieties, which makes it a must for all orchards. The medium size beans are of good quality with 50%+ sugar content. An early fruit bearer on young trees. Yields are excellent with irrigation. Trees prefer neutral to alkaline soil for best results. Supply of this plant is limited please ask to be notified of availability and we will do our best to propagate these and help you in the coming years.
$19.75 ($7.90-$19.75 choose a size)
Famous for its spicy roots, it has a hot biting taste with a hint of sweetness. The plant is a hardy perennial herb that will grow rampantly under most condition except full shade and in wet ground. It is best controlled by growing in a container. Roots will keep in the ground throughout winter and can be harvested as required. They are an excellent source of sulfur. Young leaves can also be eaten raw or cooked, they have a strong flavour so are best used in moderation.
$14.75 ($4.90-$14.75 choose a size)
A high yielding, very popular chilli with medium heat levels. Prominent chilli in Mexican cuisine. It can be picked green or left to mature to a rich red colour. It can be cooked, dried, pickled or eaten fresh
$69.00 ($24.90-$69.00 choose a size)
Widely cultivated for use in Asian cooking and basket making. It has a nutty fragrance and is most commonly used in rice dishes or tied in a bundle and cooked with food. Also useful in flower arrangements. A low growing plant to 1m with long narrow blade like leaves and woody aerial roots. In tropical climates it can be grown as a marginal plant in dams and ponds, used as a bedding plant in tropical landscaping. Outside of the tropics, well worth trying as indoor plant in winter with a warm, sunny aspect. Allow the plant to dry out over the winter months.
A hardy upright lettuce variety that can grow to 2m. Tolerant of hot and humid conditions. Leaves can be eaten fresh or when they are older cook them in soups and stews like spinach. Great for subtropical and tropical gardens producing tasty leafy greens for your kitchen creations most of the year. Chickens love it too. Semi perennial that self sows readily.
Buy 1+ @$5.75ea usually:$9.75ea
A hot chilli which has a pungent taste. Red Cayenne chillies are ideal in Asian dishes and can be used for pickling. Chillies are long capsicum like up to 100mm turning red on full maturity. Scoville heat scale 30,000 - 50,000 units
A Korean variety of chilli for adding to most dishes where you enjoy some mild heat or spiciness. A well known ingredient in the production of fermented foods such as Kim Chi. Ripens to red providing the colour of a typical Kim Chi. This is a long, skinny type chilli and tastes similar to birds eye with a little more flavour and heat. Excellent for pots or in the ground. A highly productive chilli variety.
$59.00 ($27.00-$59.00 choose a size)
Highly ornamental tree and the source of cinnamon spice. The beautiful red new growth is highly distinctive. The spice itself is the inner bark that is peeled from the branches after 2 years. Scrape the outer bark, then peel the inner bark, leave for a day so that the inner bark curls into cinnamon sticks as it dries. They are distinctive in the many layered quill they produce that, when crushed, will shard rather than snap. Cinnamon is a very elegant and useful aromatic, much kinder to the palate than other spices. It imparts a distinctively sweet flavour when used. The leaves themselves are higher in clove oil than cinnamaldehyde, the active component of the sweet aromatic scent of cinnamon. Weed Warning: Can be invasive in tropical areas
$19.75 ($19.75-$19.75 choose a size)
The Rocoto Tree Chilli also has another common name of Hotlips there is no question of the heat in these perennial chillies. The fruit matures from green to red and ranges in heat from medium hot to very hot depending on the weather. The shrub will fruit abundantly for many years. The deep rich chilli flavour is accentuated when dry roasted in a pan or directly over a flame.
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$5.90 ($5.90-$9.75 choose a size)
Peanuts grow best in light, sandy-loam soil. They require five months of warm weather and regular moisture. The pods ripen 120 to 150 days after the seeds are planted. If the crop is harvested too early, the pods will be unripe. If they are harvested late, the pods will snap off at the stalk, and will remain in the soil. They prefer an acidic soil of preferably 5.9 - 7 pH. Although referred to as a nut peanuts are actually a legume.
Buy 4+ @$5.90ea usually:$9.75ea
A tropical evergreen, clump-forming spice and fruit bearing giant ginger native to West Central Africa. Growing to 6m or more, the rhizomes are reddish-brown, 1.5 cm in diameter. The large, ridged bright red, fleshy fruit are produced at the base of the plant and contain a sweet edible pulp that is tangy and juicy. The seeds are used as a piquant spice, not unlike peppercorns. Grows best is a shaded position
$17.90 ($17.90-$17.90 choose a size)
This particular Taro was developed for its yield of edible leaves and stems rather than its roots. The leaves and leaf stems are eaten as a cooked, green vegetable. This plant has a Weed Warning. Weed Warning: Tahitian Spinach is prone to producing a multitude of small bulbils that, if disturbed, can spread rapidly. It tends to be hard to clear out of an area because of the sheer numbers of these small bulbils. So it is best planted off in a corner or in a large pot, where it can be left undisturbed. The stems are widely used as a celery substitute in tropical areas. They provide protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and vitamins A, B, and C. The leaves can be harvested all year round. No Taro should ever be eaten raw, due to the presence of harmful oxalates, which are eliminated with cooking.
Prized for its stunning claw shaped turquoise flowers. These can be eaten as a vegetable. This is a vine for subtropical, tropical gardens or a warm indoors position. It does not tolerate frost. It prefers a moist, free draining soil and can grow 2-5m.
$9.90 ($4.90-$17.75 choose a size)
Perennial Basil is a vigorous and bushy plant growing all year round in frost free areas. It is a fast growing bee attracting herb with a spicy flavour. The leaves have a stronger taste then regular basil.
Buy 4+ @$9.90ea usually:$17.75ea Aramex Free Freight
$19.75 ($18.75-$19.75 choose a size)
The young shoots and leaves are stewed in Mediterranean meat, fish or vegetable dishes until they have imparted their flavour, and removed before serving. It grows on dry, rocky or sandy ground around the Mediterranean region. The stems are woody at the base and can reach 60cm or more in height. The clusters of yellow flowers are produced in Summer, they retain their colour after picking and are used in dried flower arrangements.
A very nutritious vegetable. The young leaves have a pleasantly tart flavour, and eaten either raw or cooked, they retain their colour. The leaves contain oxalic acid, and should only be eaten once a week. Unlike Aibika, it is not particularly mucilaginous. Flowers are used to make teas or other drinks where they contribute colour rather than taste. In Central America the flowers are combined with ice, sugar, lemon, or lime juice and water to make a purple lemonade.This plant is a short-lived perennial shrub in the subtropics and tropics but can be grown as an annual in cooler climates. It grows rapidly to 1.7 m high with deeply cut leaves similar to Japanese maple. The leaf colour of deep cranberry red is highly ornamental; the flowers are a small, very pretty, rose-pink hibiscus-type. Cranberry hibiscus is a hardy plant that thrives when it is warm and wet; it prefers full sun but will grow in partial shade. It needs ample water, rich, fertile, well-drained soil that is kept mulched and a pH of between 6.1 and 6.5.The vivid leaf colour makes this a good choice as a background plant in ornamental beds.
True Arrowroot, a tropical plant with rhizomatous tubers that are the source of the well known flour. Can be eaten raw or cooked but the flesh is fibrous. The flour starch is extracted from the pulped tuber, which is mixed with water and sieved. The resulting starchy water is evaporated and the fine starchy powder remains. Native to tropical Central and South America it does better in frost free areas, growing to about 1.2m. The rhizomes are ready to harvest when 10-12 months old, the stems yellow and fall over in winter and return in late spring. Grow in full sun or part shade with good moisture. Ornamental, lending a tropical ginger look to gardens. Suitable for growing in pots or in Food Forest systems
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$23.90ea
Grows well under full sunlight in hot, humid climates. Growth is slow in low temperatures resulting in low yields. It grows best in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter with pH ranging from 5.5 to 8.0. Leaves are high in vitamin A, vitamin c, iron and calcium. Malabar spinach may be used to thicken soups or as a leafy green in stir fries.A green stemmed selection that does not seed as readily as the red.
Holds its strong savoury flavour well - add at beginning of cooking. Thyme is the perfect plant for garden edges when it can be walked on to scent pathways and simply harvested. Sore throats benefit from a thyme gargle which is strongly antiseptic.
Buy 1+ @$5.90ea usually:$7.90ea
$14.75 ($14.75-$18.75 choose a size)
This low growing perennial herb gets its name from the mushroomy flavoured leaves. The leaves and stems are eaten raw in salads or they can be cooked as a green vegetable in stir fries. The leaves are rich in chlorophyll. Leaves contain 3% protein, they are also very high in calcium, a richer source than most foods.
Reportedly the hottest chilli in the world, it is distinctly red, with a skin that is bumpy and gnarled with a pointy end. Apparently, it has a fruity taste and is initially sweet, then hits you with a fiery heat of over 1.6 million Scoville Heat Units. Sounds like a challenge even for the most experienced chilli lovers!
$17.90 ($9.50-$17.90 choose a size)
An edible Canna similar in appearance to its close relative the ornamental Cannas. Another of the Ancient Inca food crops, it was one of the first plants to have been domesticated in the Andean region. A popular crop in the market place in Peru and Ecuador. The large round red rhizomes can be eaten raw, cooked as you would a potato or used as a flour and thickening agent. Excellent carbohydrate, the starch is easily digested and is a promising food source. The young shoots can also be eaten as a green vegetable. The plant is easy to plant, to grow and to harvest. While the tubers multiply prolifically in deep rich friable soil, they are the most hardy of all the tuber crops and grow well in soils where most other tubers will not grow. Has few problems with pests and diseases. Can be harvested after 6 months. Will tolerate heat and frosts.
$12.90 ($12.90-$17.90 choose a size)
Vibrant, purple flesh and dark skinned tuber. High in anthocyanins, sweet but starchier than other types. Originating in South America, these purple fleshed varieties were taken across the Pacific by the Spanish to Japan and then by the Japanese to Hawaii. They have been used in a range of traditional recipes from sweet to savoury.
Buy 2+ @$12.90ea usually:$17.90ea
$4.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)
Grows well under full sunlight in hot, humid climates. Growth is slow in low temperatures resulting in low yields. It grows best in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter with pH ranging from 5.5 to 8.0. Leaves are high in vitamin A, vitamin c, iron and calcium. Malabar spinach may be used to thicken soups or as a leafy green in stir fries.
A type of sweet basil native to Southeast Asia that has been cultivated to provide distinctive traits. Its flavor is more stable under high or extended cooking temperatures than that of sweet basil. Thai basil exhibits small, narrow leaves and purple stems, with a mauve flower.
$2.90 ($2.90-$5.75 choose a size)
Chocolate Mint is a medium growing mint reaching up to 60cm tall, with a spreading nature up to 60cm. The large ovate leaves are a dark bronze-green, with deep reddish-purple stems. The lilac-purple flowers appear in summer and open from the bottom of the false whorl, progressing to the top of the inflorescence. The aroma and flavour are open to interpretation. Some people describe the taste as like peppermint with chocolate undertones, while others cannot detect the chocolate flavour at all. The parent plant is Peppermint, so this is the main flavour with the chocolate being a novelty. Nibbling the leaves is a sure way to find out whether your palate can detect the subtle difference.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea
A very decorative Indonesian chilli often holding fruit of many colours at one time. It is a bush plant with fruits that start off green and white before turning orange/red when fully ripe. The chillis are mid heat 7/10 with a great flavour. Essential for Indonesian cuisine, in Bali the term cabe means chilli and is pronounced chabey.
Buy 1+ @$12.90ea usually:$19.90ea
$4.75 ($4.75-$7.75 choose a size)
Echinacea is an important medicinal herb to have in your garden. Not only is it a pleasure to grow, its uses are limitless. The roots of Echinacea are said to stimulate the immune system and promote healing. Itsmost common use is to ward off the onset of the common cold and to alleviate the effects of a sore throat.As this is an herbaceous perennial, it will be non existant above the ground for winter.Echinacea flowers through spring, summer and autumn dieing down over winter then rise again in early spring.The root may be harvested when the plant is about 2-3 years old depending on how well you have looked after the plant.Echinacea will self seed or spread from underground roots.Plant out in an area that you wish to leave them undisturbed for many years. Water and mulch well but take care not to disturb the roots too much. Plant in full sun to partial shade.
$19.75 ($4.90-$19.75 choose a size)
The Oca Yam is a red, waxy, crinkled tuber. Size can vary from 3 to 10cm in length. The tubers have a tangy, acid nutty flavour and are a great accompaniment to roast dinners. Temperatures over 28 degrees cause plants to wilt. Grow best in moderately cool climate. Freezing will kill the plant. Plant out after the last frost, can be kept in a bag in the fridge with moist coir until planting.
Aramex Free Freight
$2.95 ($2.95-$4.90 choose a size)
One of the essential kitchen herbs, parsley is easy to grow in pots, containers and window boxes where it can be kept close to the kitchen door. It also attracts many beneficial insects to the garden. As a biennial plants it will flower in it second years and should then be replaced.
Buy 4+ @$2.95ea usually:$4.90ea
Perennial small herb in the ginger family, with rounded leaves with a prostrate habit. Pink flowers are ornamental. Young leaves and young tender rhizomes are edible, raw, steamed or cooked. Dried rhizome is aromatic and sometimes substituted for turmeric. It has a camphoraceous scent. Has also been used dried to repel moths from clothes storage. Prefers a humid climate and warm temperatures in a shady environment. Traditionally used in medicinal ways
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$14.75 ($14.75-$18.75 choose a size)
A deciduous shrub native to South America. It is an attractive plant with beautiful lemon scented leaves that can be used to flavour sweet and savoury dishes as well as making a refreshing herbal tea. Lemon verbena grows best is a sunny position in free draining moist soil. It does not tolerate frost but can be grown in a pot and protected on frosty nights. The attractive, delicate and fragrant white/mauve flowers are also used in teas and other culinary concoctions.
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$19.75 ($7.75-$19.75 choose a size)
A vigorous vine with large white fruit cooked as a popular vegetable. They are delicious when eaten at a small size. Very versatile and often used as a pear and apple substitute or supplement in cooking. Very hardy. Choko plants are perennial but die back in winter and the tuber will sprout again in spring. They grow best in hot conditions and are frost tender so chose a site that gets full sun to plant your chokos.
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$59.00 ($24.00-$59.00 choose a size)
The cacao is a tropical tree native to the Amazon region of South America. It grows well in tropical Australia. Cacao is the source of chocolate, cocoa and cocoa butter, the fermented seeds are roasted, cracked and ground into a powder. Benefits from hand pollination.
$27.00 ($27.00-$39.00 choose a size)
A pungent, aromatic, herbaceous perennial. The green three sides seed pods are popular in Indian and Asian cooking and can be used whole or ground into a spice.The flowers are white to lilac or pale violet, produced in a loose spike 30 to 60 cm long.
$19.75 ($3.95-$19.75 choose a size)
Also known as the 'Earth Apple' this is one of the ancient crops of the Inca's. This relative of the sunflower is popular to the people of Columbia, Ecuador and Argentina. The plant produces large tubers similar in appearance to sweet potatoes, but they have a much sweeter taste and crunchy flesh. The tubers can be eaten raw as a refreshing treat on their own, finely sliced and mixed into salads,boiled or baked, fried as chips or prepared as a pickle. There is also commercial interest as a flavouring for yoghurt. They are sweet, juicy and almost calorie free. The main stem can also be used like celery. The texture and flavour have been described as a cross between a fresh apple and watermelon. The plants are vigorous, herbaceous, perennial and extremely hardy tolerating hot summers, drought and poor soils. The foliage of the plant dies back in the winter after flowering at which time the tubers are harvested carefully to avoid damage to the tubers. They tend to continue sweetening if left in a cool dry and dark place for a week or two before consumption. The reddish rhizomes are then replanted for the next season.
Pink flowering form of Camelia sinensis that you can use to make your own brew of tea. New growth is a rich burgundy colour. Mix and match the Pink flowering form with the traditional white flowering Tea Plant. A compact shrub to 1m, perfect for hedging and specimen or container plants, growing best in pH 5.5 - 6.6 so an acidic mix is perfect. Grow them alongside blueberries! Partial shade and moist soil. Tea Plant - Pink will blossom during Autumn.
Stunning pink flowers are fresh and zesty tasting, a favourite in SE Asian cooking. Plants produce large flower spikes in summer and are a stunning addition to gardens, both tropical and subtropical. A very large ginger that in optimum conditions can reach 2-5m in height. Likes part shade and a rich, well drained soil. Fertilise and keep moist for great blooms. The entire plant is edible, including seeds, flowers and leaves.
$24.00 ($19.75-$24.00 choose a size)
Extremely strong pungency that is akin to hot mustard, wasabi produces vapours that stimulate the nasal passages more than the tongue. Generally used as a sauce that makes sushi or other foods more flavourful by adding spice. Use the stem sparingly and finely grated. Grows naturally along stream beds in cool mountain rivers valleys of Japan. Challenging to grow in Australia. Requires cool, moist, shaded conditions to thrive. It takes about 18 month - 2 years for plants to mature, in the meantime use the leaves and the leaf stems in salads, curries and pickled accompaniments.
Add an exceptional flavour to your culinary creations. Edible flower buds, this has large flower spikes and is a stunning addition to tropical and subtropical gardens.A very large ginger that in optimum conditions can reach 2-5m in height.
$17.90 ($9.75-$17.90 choose a size)
This well-known showy plant is a member of the Borage and Forget-me-not tribe, Boraginaceae. A hardy perennial, its large leaves are rough and hairy all over. Comfrey thrives in almost any soil or situation, but does best in moist conditions. A useful plant it can be used with great success as a liquid manure, activator for compost heaps, a weed barrier or attractive understory plant.
Edible mushroom native to East Asia, grown in conditions similar to their natural environment on either artificial substrate or hardwood logs, such as oak. Fresh or dried shiitake are used as an ingredient in many steamed and simmered dishes, they may be served fried or steamed. Aussie Mushrooms Grow Kit - 100% Australian Made Shiitake Lentinula edodes (High Yeild Strain) If your not ready to start your kit keep it in your fridge until you are ready (up to 2 months) Step 1, Cut the top off the bag and fill with Cold Water until the Block is submerged let the Log soak in the water for 12 hours, (put something heavy on the Log so its submerged in the water) Step 2, put a Brick in a large bucket or container and some water in the Bottom no more than Half way up the brick, Sit your log on the Brick out of the water as pictured below, and cover the top of the Bucket with some plastic leave a small gap for air exchange (approx 20%) Mist with water 2 times per day, Keep the walls of your bucket wet and your log moist, when the mushrooms start to form do not spray the mushrooms directly. When your mushrooms are grown, Cut them off as close to the block as possible. Allow your block to rest for 10 days and repeat the process, You should get 3-4 flushes of mushrooms You do not need to eat your mushrooms all at once, They will keep in the fridge for 2 weeks in a paper bag. You should get around 500Grams from your first flush. When you harvest pick the large mushrooms leave the small ones until they are fully grown.Ideal Fruiting Temperature between 16-18C. Through summer, gardeners create shaded, moist, cool microclimates like the bucket described above.
$12.90 ($12.90-$14.90 choose a size)
True crimson red stems, produces all year round if well watered, especially spring and summer. Sweetest choice in rhubarb varieties.
Pink Waratah-like flowers are fresh and zesty tasting with a ginger-like flavour, a favourite in SE Asian cooking. Plants produce large flower spikes in summer and are a stunning addition to gardens, both tropical and subtropical. A very large ginger that in optimum conditions can reach 2-5m in height. Likes part shade and a rich, well drained soil. Fertilise and keep moist for great blooms. The entire plant is edible, including seeds, flowers and leaves.
$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)
A vigorous vine known for its large green fruit cooked as a popular vegetable. They are delicious when eaten at a small size. Very versatile and often used as a pear and apple substitute or supplement in cooking. Very hardy. The leaves, shoots, fruits and tubers are all eaten, making this an excellent plant to have around the garden and kitchen. It's growth can be kept in check be pruning or providing a strong trellis for the plant to climb. Fruits form quickly during the warm months and will continue over a long period of time. The vines will die back in winter as they are frost tender. Free draining soil is best and the plant will respond well to a feed of organic compost or manures during the growing season.An old fashioned plant that produces a tonne of fruit for modern times.
The edible flower buds of Caper Bush are a delicacy in Mediterranean cooking and its use has spread all over the globe. Flower buds are salted and pickled to create the well known condiment. The fruit is also edible, raw or cooked. Widespread throughout the Mediteranean, Middle East and into the Indian subcontinent. The plant thrives in rocky, dry conditions from sea level to over 3000m above sea level but also adapts to areas of higher rainfall and humidity. Young plants may be sensitive to frost and heat but harden up with age. This is a small spiny shrub, well suited to pruning. It has an extensive root system which lends it drought tolerance, it also develops mycorrhizal relationships and has a preference for slightly alkaline soils but can adapt to others
Baby Bay is a dwarf form of Bay Tree, with a handsome shape and perfect size for a growing in pots. Easily kept to 1m, it can be planted as a low hedge or miniature topiary due to its positive response to pruning. The leaves of the bay are used as a popular culinary seasoning used in all types of cooking. Suited to small herb gardens and loves full sun
Vivid, deep blue flowers on a vigorous vine with pods that are edible when young. Ornamental and edible, the flower is used as a food colouring, in meals and as a tea. The striking blue can be modified with the addition of other ingredients, and can be used hot or cold. As a legume it fixes nitrogen from the atmosphere where it grows. It is native to Indonesia,
$14.90 ($14.90-$17.90 choose a size)
Adelicious red stemmed variety that is excellent for pies, tarts and jams. Grows very well over a range of climates. The perennial rhubarb is often referred to as the pie plant due to its use in pies. It is a highly productive plant that can be harvested within 6 months. Requires rich well drained soil. Plant crowns in rich well drained soil with growing bud just above soil.
$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)
An Heirloom variety thought to originate in Polynesia, though the variety is also to be found throughout New Zealand. Tubers tend to be as large as sweet potatoes, with red skin and ivory flesh heavily marbled throughout in violet. This colour intensifies upon cooking. Especially creamy, Kumara is superb either mashed or baked. Contains high levels of Anthocyanins which has been studied for it's benefits with Alzheimer's Disease though it is best to research this or speak with an expert. Leaves are small and emerald-green running from dark purple petioles, and can be eaten as a substitute for any leafy green, such as Kale or Spinach either fresh or steamed. The shoot tips are especially tender.
$19.75 ($18.75-$19.75 choose a size)
The healing powers of the Aloe Vera plant have been known throughout the civilised world for centuries. While considered by many to be a member of the cactus family it is actually a member of a family related to asparagus along with onion and garlic.It is a perennial herb with thick, succulent, pointed, basal leaves. The leaves are a grey-green to reddish colour and are sometimes spotted. The margins are slightly pink with pale teeth; flowers orange in terminal, elongated clusters.Currently known as Aloe barbadensis it is now agreed that Aloe vera can take precedence. That's much easier for us to remember and the vera distinguishes the more popular garden aloe from that of the A. maculata which is a much larger and more vigorous plant that has become naturalised in the eastern and southern parts of the continent.
$17.90 ($17.90-$29.00 choose a size)
This elegant tree is often referred to as fake chocolate due to its similarities to cocoa in taste and texture. A Mediterranean tree, favouring arid conditions. Seedlings can be Male, Female, or bisexual. Prefers well drained soil.
$18.75 ($1.30-$18.75 choose a size)
This is not a true garlic but forms a bulb consisting of very large, garlic-like cloves. The flavour of these, while not exactly like garlic, is much more similar to garlic than to leeks. The flavour is milder than garlic, and much more palatable to some people than garlic when used raw as in salads. The mature bulb is broken up into cloves which are quite large and with papery skins and these are used for both culinary purposes and propagation. There are also much smaller cloves with a hard shell that occur on the outside of the bulb. These are often ignored, but if they are planted, they will the first year produce a non-flowering plant which has a solid bulb, essentially a single large clove. The plant, if left alone, will spread into a clump with many flowering heads. These are often left in flower gardens as an ornamental and to discourage pests.
Red inflorescence with yellow flowers appearing from within the bracts. The yellow flowers are edible, crisp and tangy with a slight ginger flavour. Great in salads of all kinds. A beautiful landscaping ginger plant to 1m. Prefers lightly shaded, moist areas but can tolerate sun and some dry times. Relatively cold hardy, dies back over winter in cooler areas.